|4| Oh my God...

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As everyone arrived back at STAR Labs, Oliver and a few others led their prisoner to the pipeline of the facility. They locked him in and looked expectantly at Oliver, waiting for him to say something. The Prometheus look-alike took off his mask and turned around. What they were met by, shocked Oliver to his bones. The face of the deceased, former best friend, Tommy Merlyn, was smirking right at Oliver.

"Oh my God. . ." Sara didn't have any words for it. "What 'Oh my God'? Who is that?" Barry questioned. He was confused as to why Oliver was looking as white as a sheet of paper. "That's Tommy Merlyn. He was Oliver's best friend." Sara replied. "Was?" Barry was still confused. "He died 6 years ago," Sara whispered. She knew how hard this must be for Oliver and tried not to hurt him while supplying the information to Barry.

"We're going to need a moment alone." Oliver croaked out.

Kara gave him a saddened look and laid a hand on his shoulder, giving him the last bit of silent support. He smiled sadly at her and watched her leave with the rest of his friends.

"Why would Nazi's from 1945 want to crash my wedding?" Iris questioned. Everyone but Oliver was back in the cortex, trying to make sense of the mess that they were in. "They could be anachronisms," Sara suggested, "people and things out of place in time." "That doesn't make sense. They would've targeted law enforcement or the military." Felicity was pacing, wracking her brain for answers. "Tommy was plucked from five years ago and put into the Prometheus wardrobe? That doesn't make any sense!" she stressed. "It does if we're not dealing with an anachronism," Caitlin suggested while leaning on the console of STAR Labs.

"Visitors from another Earth?" Barry looked concerned. "Wait. There's more than one?" Jax couldn't make any sense of it in the first place. "There are 52, actually." Kara butted in. "Though I find it difficult to believe that there is one where Nazis are ascendant." Stein looked horrified at the idea. "I can," Harry blinked before continuing, "There's a 53 rd Earth. And it's called Earth-X."

"It doesn't have a designation, because it's a place so awful, so horrific. . . No sane person would ever travel there. It's basically our Earth," Harry said, "same history, same timeline. Just, with one crucial and critical difference. "

"Let me hypothesize. The Nazis developed the atomic bomb before the United States did, and they were more than happy to use it," Stein said.

"Yes," the doppelganger sighed, "the Nazis won the war. New York, London, Paris, and Moscow were all obliterated. The SS set up outposts not only all throughout Europe, but also all throughout the Americas, and Hitler continued his brutal reign, aided by Prime Ministers and Presidents sympathetic to him. Until his death, in 1994." Harry said in his usual, monotone voice.

"Hey, I was looking for you. Are you okay? " Kara spotted Oliver in an empty storage room. "Why do you ask?" He was sitting on some closed boxes, looking down at the concrete floor. "After Tommy and, well . . . You kind of look like someone kicked your puppy." Kara moved and sat down next to the archer. "He wasn't the Tommy that I knew, and," Oliver cleared his throat, "he's been dead for years now. I should be over his death, and partly, I am. But. . ." Kara placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him sadly.

"It's okay to not be over his death, Oliver -" She got cut off by Oliver. "Ollie. Call me Ollie." Kara chuckled at the nickname. "Okay, Ollie. But what I was trying to say, is that it 's okay to not be over his death. Especially after what you experienced with his doppelganger. Rao knows I'm not over the death of my parents." Tear s were starting to glimmer in her eyes.

Oliver noticed it and drew her in for a friendly hug. The heroine patted his back and let go of him. "We all have grief in our lives, Oliver. Some more than others, but in the end, we all have lost someone. And from the stories I've heard from Barry, you have a lot of it in your life. And I have a hunch that you haven't processed it all properly, especially with the life that you lead. With the life that we are all leading. Just know that you always someone to confide in. Whether it be me or someone else."

"You give really good advice, you know." Oliver smiled at her. "It's kind of what I'm known for. Giving people hope." Kara wiggled her eyebrows teasingly. The male laughed at her and stood up. "Let's go check if they've found something."   

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