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"Gey's hit!" Jax shouts while still hiding from the bullets. As Sara and Alex hide from bullets, Sara looks at Oliver. "Where's Barry when you need him?" she asks impatiently. "Tying up some loose ends", he replies. 

As RT flies further, Barry throws a lightning bolt and Ray shoots a beam of light, effectively shutting down Red Tornado. "We did it!" Barry cheers while skidding to a halt. 

As Stein lays in a puddle of his blood, he looks around, a little bit disorientated. He begins crawling to the lever. As he supports on a console, he gets shot multiple times in his side, making the professor gasp. He pulls the lever and the Nazi's standing on the platform realize what he's done and a panicked voice came from them, "Fall back! fall back!" he screams, but it is too late. The breach opens, disintegrating the Nazi's standing on the platform.  

Stein falls until he's sitting, panting. "Barry we need you to hurry up, Stein's hurt," Sara says while running to the elder man. "Alright, we're on the move", Barry says before running towards the facility. 

"He's alive, but his condition is critical", Alex observes while worry etches on her face. "Gideon will fix him", Sara says confidential. "No, it's too dangerous to move him", Alex says. "Not if he's Firestorm", Sara sighs. she nods at Jax and he nods back, understanding it. "Grey! come on!" he says to his other half while putting his hand out. He takes it and flames surround the two, Firestorm coming out of it. The heroes step through the breach, successfully leaving Earth-X.



As Thawne is picking out his surgical instruments to use on Kara, Felicity and Iris are watching the whole thing. 

"This next sound, metal through bone. Is my favorite", he threatens while pulling his mouth mask on. Kara inhales sharply before Thawne tries to cut into Kara. He struggles and grunts, not knowing what is holding him back. 

"What are you waiting for? Do it!" the Führer commands while looking at him. "I'm trying", Eobard replies while putting more force onto the scalpel. "Mitts off, Mengele!" Ray says while he is holding the knife back, shrunk into atom size. He returns to his original size and punches Eobard, blasting him with blue energy. The Führer tries to attack him. Ray blasts him too with the same energy, making him fly into the hallway. 

He unties Kara and she looks confused at him. "Ray?" she says bewildered. "Hi! How are ya?" he says exited. "I got your SOS. How was the wedding?" he continues on. Iris sighs in relief and Kara lays down her head on the pillow. 

"Don't worry, the rest of the Legends are here", Ray says while letting Kara support on him, walking through the hallway. 

"Attention all prisoners," Nate says over the PA, alarming the heroes in the pipeline that he's there, "great news, the cavalry has arrived," he says before opening the door to the pipeline. 

As the Führer limps to his wife he bends over her bead and takes her oxygen mask off of her face. "We have a problem," he says softly while putting his hand on her cheek. "I need you to wake up, Aria", he whispers lovingly. 

Eobard speeds into the room, interrupting his time with his wife. "The general," Thawne pants, "is no longer safe, here", "I'm well aware," Oliver says, "retreat to the troop carrier and prepare for the invasion", he orders. "Without you?" Eobard questions. "I'm staying with my wife", he says. "Supergirl is not leaving here alive. I cannot have Aria's pathetic sister ruining our plans", the Führer says. 

"Do not make this personal, that's not a good idea", the speedster says. 

"Are you questioning your Führer's orders?" Aria says, a crease forming in between her eyebrows. "Of course not," the speedster confirms, "general." Thawne speeds away. Oliver walks to his wife and lays his hand on her knee. "Stay here. Stay safe", he says adoringly, "and I'll be back with her heart." he continues, anger lacing his voice. 

The heroes exit the breach, entering the concrete hallways of STAR Labs. "So this is Earth-One? Cute", Leo says. "We need to find Kara", Alex says worriedly for her sister. "We're going to find her, we are going to make sure she's safe. I'm going to make sure she's safe", Oliver says to her. "Good", Alex replies, shooting a knowing look at the Emerald Archer. 

"I've got Supergirl", Ray says from over the comms. "I've got group B", Nate says while looking around in the speed lab. Suddenly Metallo comes jumping through the glass of the speedster track, making glass shards fly everywhere.  

"What the hell?" Zari says.

It is getting closer and closer *wink* if you know what I mean. Kariver is on the rise! Two chapters in two days, it must be my monthly urge to write an insane amount. 760 words without A/N included! 

Love to you all,


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