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So I've seen a couple of these, and wanted to do it for myself. The one I saw it was supposed to be him making little videos on YouTube or something, so... We'll see how it turns out, I guess. Maybe it'll be on Instagram. Yes, live stream Instagram. MWAHAHA.

In this universe Peter is a Stark and the world knows. He is 15.


Peter switched on the camera on his phone. "Okay." he whispered. "So I'm here in Stark Tower, about to be murdered by Hawkeye for stealing his arrows."

Comments from 1.3 million people began to roll in. "You know the Avengers???" (Some people are rather oblivious.) "Oh my gosh, don't get killed, I'll be bored." "Paint them bright pink and give them back." etc.

Peter laughed at the last comment, then continued down the hall. He panned the camera behind him to reveal Bucky, a huge grin on his face and his finger across his lips.

"Oh my gosh is that the Winter Soldier?!?!?" people asked.

"Kay, so Clint's room is just down the hall. Bucky and I are going t-"

"Gimme that!" Bucky snatched the phone. "We're going to break his heart." he gave it back.

They continued down the dark hall and reached the door. "Karen, unlock Clint's door." Peter whispered. The AI Karen, by the way, was co-installed with FRIDAY.

The door unlocked and swung silently open.

"K's in on it." he mouthed.

People continued commenting, but not much worth mentioning(AKA I'm out of ideas.).

They slipped into the dark room and went directly to the corner, Peter pointing to the bow and arrows. Bucky grabbed them and the turned to exit, but as they closed the door, the one across the hall opened.

"What the heck it going on out here?" Steve and his super hearing.

Peter screamed, Buck in a more "manly" way, and both ran down the hall at top speed. They skidded into Peter's room and slammed the door.

"Crap crap crap crap crap." Peter stressed.

The comments exploded. "Did you get caught?" "did u get the stuff" "Are you going to mutilate them?"

There was a knock on the door and Peter motioned for Bucky to get it.

"What are you doing in Peter's bedroom?" Steve was at the door, trying to push his way in.

"Fanboying Star Wars." Bucky tried to push Steve out, but he wormed his way past.

"What in the world are you doing with Clint's things?"

"Oh my gosh, it that Captain America?!?!?!?!?" people were saying.

"N-nothing. He asked me to clean them and I never did?" Peter backed away.

"I know you're lying-" Steve was suddenly grabbed from behind by Bucky and they started to wrestle. "What are you doing?!"

Bucky started pushing Steve out of the room, then Karen locked the door when he managed to pull his friend into the hall. A few minutes later, they both came back. With pink paint and glitter. That's where the video ended.


Peter turned the camera back on. "So we stole Hawkeye's stuff  last night, then painted it with pink glitter." he turned the camera to show Buck, Steve, and Wanda all holding Clint's  sparkling gear in his room. "We're going to return it before he wakes up, and hopefully not get caught." he opened the door, letting the light fall into the hallway. They all went down the passage until they got to the door... "Okay, so Steve's gonna stand guard, Bucky's gonna carry the stuff, Wanda's gonna lift Clint, and I kinda might have taken Spider-Man's web shooters."

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