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A/N: Hey everyone, Happy Labor day! So I decided to do this story for ya'll. Yes, this is a surprise cause a little while ago i vowed to never write another Warrior fan-fiction again because of all the hate i got. Well, i'm getting back in the game and starting with this baby. Now, first of all, to clarify this is not Pinestar of Thunderclan, this is Pinestar from Icebreath's decision. I wanted to give her more depth to her character and give her an actual back story so here we go, hope you like :D (P.s. I don't feel as thought i should have the other clan allegiances fully because they will barely be mentioned in the book...well towards the end).



Leader: Echostar- a dark grey tom with a amber and green eye with white stripes on his legs and tail
Deptudy: Fishflake- a orange and brown tabby tom
Medicine cat: Moonglow- a gray and white Turkish van tom
Apprentice: Fernpaw- a calico she-cat with a split lip and silver eyes


Waterfoot- A sleek brown and white tabby tom with blue eyes
Fawnflare- a small brown tabby she-cat
Halestorm- a black and brown tom with green eyes
Mudflame- a ginger tom with blue eyes and brown paws
Apprentice: Bouncepaw
Patchwing- a white tom with black spots on his flank
Apprentice: Shadowpaw
Rippleblaze- a Russian blue tom with amber eyes
Daisyeye- a silver and white she-cat with violet eyes
Pepperfoot- a dark grey tom with darker grey and lighter grey marks that look like pepper
Bluefrost- a white long haired she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice: Redpaw
Tallbird- a long legged, pale ginger tom with green eyes
Greengrass- a brown tabby tom with Bright green eyes
Rainfall- a calico she-cat with light blue eyes
Hollymask- a black she-cat with a white mask with white paws and blue eyes
Apprentice: Blazepaw


Gorsemoon- a tiny silver and dark grey she-cat with white ears and green eyes
Kits: Stonekit, Speckledkit & Riverkit

Thornflower- a brown and white tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Kits: Mudkit & Shadowkit


Shadowpaw-  a black she-cat with a white tail and paws
Blazepaw- a ginger tabby tom with green eyes
Redpaw- a black tom with blue eyes
Bouncepaw- a golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Fernpaw- a calico she-cat with a split lip and silver eyes


Stonekit- a dusty grey tom with grey eyes
Speckledkit- a tortoiseshell she-cat
Riverkit- a dappled she-cat
Mudkit- a dark brown and white tom with silver eyes
Shadowkit- a black she-cat with amber eyes and white left paw in front
Pinekit- a small brown and gray she-cat with a burnt scar on her back left leg with green eyes
Soulkit- a black and white tom with amber eyes


Goldenwhisker- a white tom with odd yellow whiskers
Eaglewish- a ginger tabby tom with a twisted paw
Fallenstripe- a black and white she-cat with green eyes

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