Chapter 1

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     "Mama, how much longer?"

     "n-not t-too much" Sofia gasped walking along.

     The queen and two kits struggled across the flower covered hills. Flowers of all colors flowed everywhere from yellow to pink to blue and even white. The queen's breathing was harsh, she could barely walk, let alone carry her she-kit who had been injured.

     The little tom skipped around excited and happy for his adventure up ahead. The she-kit was asleep soundly while being carried up and down the flowery hills.

     It was a really beautiful place around here, flowers from miles to come. Birds chirped, flying above them, a few rabbits coming out of their holes for early morning. A few mice scurried along the floor, hiding in the flowers.

     It was peaceful, that was until there was a growl behind Sofia. She struggled to turn around and face what was growling at her. When she did, she tripped and fell, hitting the ground hard. She used all her energy to walk and lied there, breathing very softly. The she-kit jolted when her mother fell with her and managed to move out of the way so she would not be crushed. The tom and she-kit raced up to their mother, licking her frantically. The growling had stopped and there was a mew.

     The she-kit looked behind her, having to look all the way up at a black and brown tom with dark green eyes. He stared at the kits and the queen sometime before shouting something out.


     Another tom appeared through the grass, followed by two she-cats and another tom. This tom was a sleek orange and brown tabby tom. He looked at Sofia and then at the kits.

     "The queen looks bad" he said.

     A small brown tabby she-cat came up "Regardless of this kitty-pet being here, she's in trouble...she's got kits, we must help her."

     "Are you mad? Echostar will have our heads if we bring back a kitty-pet" mewed a silver and white she-cat with violet eyes "he hates non-clan cats-"

     "We must help, we can't leave her here in a condition like this with two young kits" the brown and black tom said "regardless of what Echostar says."

                                                          * * * * * * * * *

     "You bring a fowl kitty-pet into this clan? are you mad Halestorm!" Screeched a dark grey tom. His green eyes narrowed at the warrior.

      "Look, she had two kits with her" Halestorm replied "i couldn't just leave her there!"

      "Now we have more mouths to feed with leaf-bare coming so soon you mouse-brained fool!" Echostar hissed "this kitty-pet has a home of her own, shoo her off and away, let her two-legs feed her rabbit pellets and-"

      "I don't think she has a home sir" Fishflake entered into the den "she's got bad bruising and burnt marks all over her body. Moonglow says she won't make by sunrise tomorrow, she's really bad."

      "And the kit?" Halestorm asked "the she-kit."

      "Her leg is permanently damaged" the tom said.

      "So its better to throw them in a river and drown them" Echostar said "i'm not going to have the clan feed two kitty-pet kits instead of full blood warriors!"

      "Echostar, Brightstar used to be a kitty-pet, she's the best leader waterclan's had in moons-"

      "Brightstar is a lazy she-cat that despises war" Echostar said "she'd rather talk peace then spill blood."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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