Chapter 14 - Physical Education

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It's morning at the ORC. The birds singing and the suns light just making it's way into the bedroom. In the bed lay Rias who was just starting to wake up. A quick rub to her eyes and a slight stretch she started to move slightly over to the left side of the bed.

'(Y/n)...' She smiled while her eyes still closed, expecting you to be next to her in the bed. She stretched her arms to the other side of the bed, expecting to grab onto your arm. Instead she grabs the bed sheets.

"Huh?" She opens her eyes only to see the empty spot on the other side. "He's done it again..." Rias pouts.

She rubbed her eyes and got up from the bed to sit on the side. She let out a yawn and another stretch. 'I can't be mad at him. He saved me from the marriage proposal after all.' Rias smiled while thinking back on you fighting Riser. 'He still got up and pushed himself to beat Riser. The only thing on his mind was making sure I was free, and the others happy...'

Rias got up from the bed and walked over to the windows. She started to hear grunts and the speed of punches and kicks being thrown in the air. She peeked out the window. 'He's been working so hard to get stronger and improve his control of the transformation since that day.' Rias put her hand to her chest. 'He did also give me my first kiss...'

"Ya! Ha! Ra!" Multiple kicks and punches, all in quick succession. Comboing them together with some twirls, twists and spins. With the occasional back flips and front flips. You were imagining facing an opponent in-front of you while performing these moves. You performed one last round the house kick until you quickly sense her presence.

'She's up.' You turned around to see Rias looking at you through the window.

Rias smiled at you while a blush appeared on her face. She opened the window. "Come on (Y/n). It's time to get changed for school."

You noticed that she was indeed naked. Half of her chest exposed. You immediately turned your eyes away and blushed. "Okay, be there in a sec..."

Rias went away from the window, leaving it open for you.

'It's been just over two weeks since the day I saved Rias. A lot has happened since then. I've been getting use to the Super Saiyan form, making sure it won't fail me again. Also, been training Issei, Koneko and Kiba the odd time whenever their free on certain day's. Issei's gotten stronger with his Sacred gear. Koneko's speed and reflexes are faster and Kiba is getting quicker and striking a lot better with his blade. Asia and Akeno are doing well and Rias has been a lot happier now which is great. We've even went to track down some stray Devil's a couple of times.'

You took off from the ground and headed towards the window. Grabbing the top of it and letting your legs go in first as you sat down and slid your way into the room. You see Rias sitting at the other side of the bed. She was now wearing her school shirt while putting on her white socks. She looked over her shoulder to see you.

"Morning (Y/n)."

You walked over to your side. "Morning." You tried to keep your eyes off her, seeing that she was not fully clothed just yet. This was something that's been hard getting use to, now that you don't sleep downstairs on the sofa anymore. Rias insisted after all.

Your uniform was folded on the bedside unit, just like the first day of school. You went over and sat on your side of the bed to begin changing out of your clothing. You tended to stay quiet during these morning's due to feeling awkward about changing while Rias was in the room.

Rias finished putting on her socks and looked over her shoulder again to see your bare back. A blush started to form on her face. She then turned back and continued changing.

A Devil's Saiyan (High School DxD x Male Saiyan Reader)Where stories live. Discover now