Part 5

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"Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what ur mind already knows."

I could see her upset, like she was about to breakdown and cry on her knees. But she left slamming the door. I grabbed my shirt off the floor and ran after her. I called her name and this time she stopped. She didn't turn around, she just stood there crying, waiting for me to talk.
"Y/n I didn't mean to hurt u." I started
She turned around her eyes all puffy. This was he most broken I've seen her and it hurt me to know that it's my fault.
"No, yo-you didn't, I'm fine." She lied giving me a weak smile
I walked closer to her, "y/n please I'm sorry"
"Tom really there's nothing to be sorry about I'm fine" she spoke shaking her head.
She didn't want me to see her like this she didn't wanna show that it got to her.
"I gotta go" She said and walked away
I saw her reach her house and I turned around and left. I just needed to feel something else since she dosing liek me back. It hurt knowing she didn't feel the same way, but then why was se upset? My head pounded, I got back in my house and told Emily to leave. I laid down and just went to sleep.

The next day

She ignored me the whole day and eventually science came around. I saw her come in and talk to the teacher. Her seat got moved..she moved her seat? She glanced my way and we made eye contact for a second that felt like eternity.
"Guess it's only us now" Emily said, looking over and y/n in disgust
"Yeah I guess it is" I spoke with a hint of disappointment.

3 months later
*Y/Ns POV*
My dad has stopped his alcohol addiction, stopped hitting me, the bruises are gone. But I don't feel happy. I groan into my pillow, thinking about waking up for school. Im a complete loner now. Even Alexa left me, she got "new friends". Tom got even more popular if that's even possible. He lives across the street from me, our parents are friends now. I walk to school once again and see Tom, pulling out of his driveway. He's forgotten all about me, I don't even exist in his perfect world. He just recently broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago but they still have sex. Which is pretty dumb if u ask me. I reached school and was getting my lunch when I see Tom staring at me. I go sit at my usual table, there are people there but they don't talk to me. I lose my appetite the more Tom stares at me.
I walk over to the guys at my table, and sit down. They are all laughing and I wanna know what it is. "What is it?" I ask and they keep snickering. I ask once again, and eventually Harrison answers. "We have a bet for you" he says laughing. "Alright, Nothing I cant do, what is it?" I ask
"Oh your gonna regret this mate"
"Bring it" I say daringly
"Get y/n to sleep with u" Harrison says
"Who?" I asked, the name rang a bell but I couldn't remember.
Danny pointed to her, and now I remembered. I wanted to get back at her, for rejecting me so I agreed.
"What's in it for me?" I asked
"500 dollars if you get her to sleep you, u get three months mate." Danny said
"You got your self a deal" I said with a grin

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