Chapter 25

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I wake up in the comfort of my own bed.

I sit up in my bed and let out a groan. I barely got any sleep last night.

I got home at 4am last night.

Tom explained everything but it wasn't enough.

I can't trust him anymore. Even if I wanted to, I don't know how.

I grab my phone and look at the time. 10:30. Unlike yesterday I won't just let myself cry in my bed all day over some dumb boy.

I had things to do. And first on my list was apologizing to maya. I felt so bad for yelling at her. She was looking out for me and I kicked her out of my house. I don't know if she'll still want to be friends me but if she didn't I wouldn't blame her.

I walked down the stairs with a smile on my face.

"Good morning!" I chirped at my mother.

She looked up, almost surprised I was up but mostly happy. "Someone's in a good mood today"

I nodded, grabbing myself a granola bar, and my keys.

"Where you off to?" She asked. Before I could answer she interrupted with a answer of her own. "Toms house?"

My smile dims but not completely. It struggles to stay alive while I open the door to head out. "Uh no actually I'm going to Maya's"

"Oh" she says from behind me. "Have fun!"

I close the door and walk over to my car. I try to avoid my gaze from toms house but couldn't help but glance. My glance caught nothing because there was no one outside and all the curtains were closed.

Annoyed with myself for glancing I get into the drivers seat and drive off.


After a short 5 minute drive I was there. I was standing at her doorway. Actually I've been standing at her doorway for about 3 minutes now.

Every time I try to knock I can't bring myself to it. Sigh and build up all my courage to knock.

If knocking on her door was this hard imagine me apologizing.

I lift my hand and knock on the door three times.

I could hear the footsteps of someone making their way over to the door.

When it opened it was a surprised maya standing before me.

"Y/n" she said "what are you doing here"

"I-I came here to apologize" I stutter

I could tell she was putting it altogether in her head. When she stops staring at me, she finally welcomes me in. Her parents were home so she took me upstairs to her room.

It felt like ages since I had been in here, even though it was roughly a week ago.

She sat down on her bed, and I would usually sit next to her but it didn't feel right. So I stood in front it her ready to apologize my heart out.

"Look maya-" I start off

"It's okay you don't need to apologize" she says cutting me off and shaking her head.

How is she so understanding?

"I'm sorry" I say silently. "For everything"

"I know and it's okay but tell me everything that happened when you confronted his dumbass" she laughs. She pats the space next to her, smiling.

I return the smile, but it was more of "omg that you for being so understanding" smile.

I walk over to her and start explaining everything. I wanted to be so detailed so she could feel like she was there. Telling the story of how your heart got broken into a million pieces isn't easy to tell.

I tried my best not cry just at the mention of his name. Keyword: tried.

I sobbed through the whole thing I'm sure she didn't even understand what I was saying.

I am so incredibly sorry. This chapter sucks, and I'll try to keep updating and writing better. I had my first day of high school today and I was so stressed I didn't have to write anything. Again I am incredibly sorry I hope understand :)

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