Chapter 24

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5 years later

Just kidding 😂 sorry, I've just always wanted to do that 💀. Okay anyway enjoy reading!

It's been 4 hours. 4 hours since I left Tom's house. 4 hours since I got my heart broken. 4 hours since I've learned I've been lied to. I could go on and on.

It was currently 3 AM. When I got home, I avoided everyone. I didn't want them to know what happened. I felt stupid. Stupid enough to just be used like that. I said I was tired but I'm sure my mom and my brother knew I had some sort of argument or something.

Tom has tried to contact me. He was blowing up my phone every chance he got. I of course ignored all of them. Although I can't say I never wanted to pick up one of his calls.

Every problem I had, I would go to tom. Now I don't know who to go to.

I've been lying in bed, trying my best to fall asleep but I can't. My body is tired but my brain won't stop racing.

I know Tom wasn't sleeping either. He's still calling my phone. I know I should block it but I can't. Every time I try I just stare at the screen, and start to cry.

I haven't stopped crying since I got home. It's like I can't stop thinking about it.

I sit up in my bed and run my hands through my hair. I sigh loudly, before deciding I needed a walk. I know walking alone, outside at 3 in the morning isn't the safest thing but I really needed to clear my mind.

I slip the the sheets off me instantly making my body cold. Rolling myself off my bed, I wander in the dark trying to turn on a small light.

After achieving my goal, I slip on some sweats and a sweater. I walk over to the door but I halt before turning back around.


I sigh in disappointment of my poor decision.

Walking towards my window I hesitate before taking a peek. I slightly move my curtain, just so I can see.

My eyes find their way to toms room. And as I had hoped the curtains were open. I find tom sitting on his bed, his head in his hands. He just stays like that before picking up his phone again. After a few moments my phone rings, reminding me to grab it. Of course the caller was Tom.

I watched as he threw his phone on the floor, frustrated by me ignoring him. Closing the curtains I turn back and sneak out of my room.

The floor boards might have creaked a little but I'm sure I wouldn't be caught. My family are all deep sleepers.

Relief flushes over me as I had made my way out the house unnoticed.

Stepping off my porch, and on to the pavement I glanced at toms room. The curtains were closed now. Figuring that he must've gone to sleep I kept walking.

It was cold, causing me to put my hoodie on. The streets were empty and silent. I had decided I would make my way to the park since it was nearby.

After a few moments, I saw the park in my sight and walked faster. I almost couldn't hear the other footsteps until the person called out to me.


I knew the voice. I stopped dead I. My tracks, hearing him slow down too. I turn around and see him walking closer to me.

"Tom?" I ask, taking down my hoodie. "What are u doing here?"

He hesitates a bit before speaking. "I saw you...leave your house so-"

I cut him off. "So u followed me?!?"

He doesn't answer my question and after a few moments of silence he speaks again.

"Look y/n" he starts off. "Can you please just give me a chance to explain myself."

With every bone in my body saying no I walk past him muttering a "no"

He grabs my hand gently causing me to turn back around.

"Please?" He whispers silently.

I pull my hand out of his grasp. "Fine, make it quick"

Thank you guys for reading :) hope you enjoyed! byeee

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