Chapter 27

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"She said leave" Kevin says sternly.

Tom face fills up with anger. "Leave Allen no one was talking to you"

"Make me." He challenges.

Fuck. No way was Tom gonna fight him. Both of them were practically the same, but I didn't want tom to start fighting this guy over me.

Tom takes a step forward "you sure about that?" He asks. Tom pushes Kevin hard making him fall to the ground.

This makes Kevin even more mad and he jumps back on his feet trying to punch Tom in the face.

Tom blocks it with his hand and makes a successful punch to Kevin's face making him start bleed.

I had to stop this before tom kills Kevin.

When Kevin stumbles back I take it as my chance to come in between them.

"Stop!" I yell. Everyone in the class was watching by now and I had just happened to make all the attention drift to me. Great.

"Tom Stop" I say quietly trying to calm him down. "He's not worth it"

He looks down at me breathily heavily and not saying anything.

"What's going on here?" The teacher asks walking in.

Tom quickly turns around to face him.

"Uh nothing" I say quickly not wanting tom to get in trouble.

"Mr Allen are u bleeding?" The teacher presses.

"I'm fine." He says before walking out of the room.

"Get to you seats" the teacher demands.

I sigh and head over to my seat. I glance up and see Tom is gone. I guess he's going to start skipping class again.

I start doodling in my notebook, immediately zoning out of class.

Before I knew it the bell rang and I walked out of class. While walking to my next class I see Kevin staring at me.

All the guys in this school are so creepy

I notice there's big bruise on his cheek but that doesn't do anything to his appearance. He still looks good despite being punched in the face 40 minutes ago.

The rest of the day went exactly how I expected it to. Getting stares from almost everyone.

When leaving the school I was walking to my car when I see Kevin watching me from his car. I make eye contact and he starts making his way towards me.



Why is he talking to me?


"I uh heard what happened you know? With you and Tom. Pretty messed up what he did."

Surprisingly I actually wasn't thinking of Tom until this moment. Thanks Kevin.

"Yeah I know"

I really wasn't interested to talking with Kevin. I just wanted to be left alone and I didn't even know him.

"I would never do that to you" he says making my heart race faster, not because liked him but no boy has ever said anything nice to me before.

I stop walking and look at him. "Kevin what do you want?"

He seems a bit taken back at first and tires to find words. "I-I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a date?"

Is he serious right now? I want to laugh. Laugh right in his face. I want to laugh at him for thinking I would ever be able to trust anyone again. Tom ruined that for me.

I struggle to find an answer and he notices. "You don't have to answer right now, it's just something to think about." He says

I still don't say anything and he does the last thing I expected him to do.

He leans in and gently kisses me.

Kevin Allen is kissing me. Kevin freaking Allen is kissing me!

Before I process this he pulls away and I see a smirk on his face while he takes in the shocked expression on my face.

For a moment I felt guilty, like I was betraying Tom.

"Get the fuck away from her" I hear a voice say from behind Kevin.

Kevin turns around and I see Tom the angriest he's ever been.

The smile on Kevin's lips becomes bigger. "Why?" He asks. "She's not your girl anymore."

Toms hand quickly wiped the smirk from Kevin's face, by punching him as soon as that statement came out of his mouth.

Before I knew it they were full on at each other and there was nothing I could do about it. A huge crowd was formed around them chanting all sorts of things. They were both equally badly beaten up. I wish it would just end, and soon enough it did.
Sorry for not updating I've been so busy. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

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