CH.1- The love has been unsealed

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After we practiced love is an open door in choir, I headed to the orchestra room to wait for Caroline to come out. As I stood there, I thought about love is an open door with the love of my life, my cute crush, Louis. I felt a tap on my shoulder that awoke me from my dreamland. "Hey why are you smiling like that? Is it one of those Louis dreams you have? Caroline asked."Oh, haha nothing." I replied. We both scurried across the halls to get to our 3rd period English class while chatting until Caroline's boyfriend gabe shows up. "hey carol" he says while giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

They both start a conversation and leave me back into my dreamland with Louis. We finally reach class and take our seats. I save the seat next to me for Louis but Caroline occupies it. As I write in my planner, I take quick glances at the door to see when Louis enters. Caroline gets up to sharpen her pencil, which is right by the door, as she is about to come back... "All my life has been a series of doors in face and then suddenly I bump into you." But its actually Caroline who bumps into him.

I shake my head to get that song out of my head and admire Louis's adorable smile. Caroline and Louis start talking about something and they get in a corner and start speaking softly. I felt that something was fishy so I got up to pretend that I have to sharpen my pencil. I could barely hear them, but the words I clearly made out were you, Melanie, and sure. Before I knew it, "Because Melanie loves you!"

I felt my cheeks getting tomato red of embarrassment. Caroline and all the classmates are in shock, and I watch as Louis blushes. Caroline's voice is still ringing in my head which covers the rumors people are starting to make. The actual bell rings and ends this awkward situation where my best friend unseals my love for Louis.

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