Chapter 7

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The morning sun broke and it was time for us to go. My sister Vaishali hugged me tightly and said "Stay safe and don't worry too much about it, like I said you might already have found your Miracle." She pulled back and my brother hugged me surprising us all.

"I know I have been a horrible brother to you. I should have fought with dad about this marriage a long time ago but I didn't. But if anything, you ever need, I am just a call away little sister"

After all the rituals were done we walked out of the house. And towards his car. He already had took my bags and placed them inside. All the journey I was silent. When we got in his private plane I was silent.

"There is a bed back there if you want you can sleep. Excuse me I have some work to do. I need to attained a conference now." I nodded and towards the back after the plane took off.

There was a room with a double bed, a sofa and a closet, attached with bathroom. Yes it was nice little room. I washed my face and get out of the heavy saree they had put me into.

Someone barged into the room when I was changing. I almost screamed in horror. Mr. Westbrook looked at me and said "Just me. Sorry I forgot something." I nodded pulling my top over my head.

He looked at me for few seconds and said "We need to get you some more comfortable cloths after all you are a Westbrook now. And people will see you as that" He said. Then he paused and said "Come I need to discuss something with you" I nodded again walking out of the room. I was barely wearing any jewelleries. Just two bangles one red one white, that symbolised that I am married.

He gave me a file and said "read this carefully, it has our marriage certificates and a prenup" He said. Right I might have found my miracle. "Does it contain anything else, like a paper that will contain laws I have to follow while being married to you. And are those wedding certificates contains an expiration dates Mr. Westbrook?" I asked. He was taken aback.

"Where do I have to sign?" I asked. I picked up the pen and opened the file. "Never mind I can find it myself." I signed the dotted line at the bottom of the papers said sign here. "Here, Mr. Westbrook, your money and your whole business empire is secure now. I don't need yours I can build mine. Remember who I am. I am my father's daughter and build his empire without any help from anyone. And now he owns one of the biggest pharma industries in India."

His face was priceless. He thinks I am a gold-digger? "I am not a girl who will ever depend on someone. Mr. Westbrook, I never ever married you willingly and specially I never ever married you for your wealth." I said and walked out of the vicinity.

I locked the room to have some peace and quiet. I picked up my saree put it neatly after folding it. I took my jewelleries and put it inside the small wooden box given to me by my mother. I brushed my hairs and put them in a bun.

I saw my reflection in the mirror and a laugh escaped my mouth without a warning. "What were you thinking Anika Roy? That you can find love in a situation like this? I mean you and him? You both belong to totally different worlds. Also, he is used to live a single life as a free man. After this he is no longer a free man, what do you expected that he will just forget his bachelor life and live with you happily ever after? That doesn't happen Anika. It is a dream."

My reflection mocked me. And she was not wrong about it at all. She was in fact scarily right. So was my elder sister Kalyani. And why he should give up his bachelor life for me after all, it is just that he is stuck in this situation. I heard a knock on the door. "Anika, open up. I bought you some food" I heard my dear husband's voice. "I am not hungry Mr. Westbrook, now if you please let me live in some peace"

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