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Early in the morning, Ash and Lucario meditate outside the balcony. Lillie is in the kitchen, making breakfast. Pikachu and Snowy are sitting on the couch, watching Netflix. The sun is still rising but not appear at the horizon until later. Lucario opens his eyes slowly. 'Master, shall we train?' asked Lucario. The raven haired smirks. "Sure," said Ash. Before Lillie could call them, they jump from the balcony and start their morning run. The white blonde sighs. "Oh well, they're come back after training," said Lillie.

The Hoenn duo arrive at Indigo Conference. "Wow, I can't remember the last time I came here," said May. "Weren't you here with that loser, Ash?" asked Drew. May lowers her head. One of her Pokeball bursts open and Glaceon glare towards the green haired guy. 'You dare call my mate's trainer a loser, you green haired freak?' thinks Glaceon, still glaring towards Drew. Remembering what happen last time he insult Ash, Drew puts his hand up. "May, please calm her down. I don't want that incident to happen again," said Drew. The brunette picks up the Pokeball and returns Glaceon back.

Few hours later, the Sinnoh trio arrive at the conference. "Where is the conference?" asked Dawn. "According to the map, it is located few kilometers from here," said Kenny. "Come on. We need to find the hotel and book our room," said Zoey.

Few hours later, Serena and Shauna arrive at the conference. "The last time I came here is when I was 5," said Serena. "Come on Serena, let's go to the conference," said Shauna as both of them run towards the route.

Back to the hotel, Lillie looks at his boyfriend and the aura Pokemon that just open the door. "What is for breakfast?" asked Ash. "Eggs and bacons. But you need to wash your hands first," said Lillie. The raven haired pouts. "But I'm hungry," whined Ash. "You can have your breakfast after you wash your teeth and clean yourself up," said Lillie. Ash sighs. "Fine," said Ash as he walks towards the bathroom. The white blonde giggles at her lover's antics.

Few hours later, Ash and Lillie walk towards the Pokemon Center. "Hello. Welcome to Pokemon Center. May I help you?" Ash smiles, seeing Nurse Joy at the counter. "I want to register for the tournament," said Ash. "May I have your Pokedex please?" asked Nurse Joy. The raven haired gives his Pokedex to the nurse. "Can I register under alias name?" asked Ash. "Yes but your real name will be used in semi-final," said Nurse Joy. "No problem," said Ash. "What alias name you want to use?" asked Nurse Joy. "Red Tajiri," said Ash. The nurse types on the computer. "Your registration is done. Good luck," said Nurse Joy as she gives the pokedex back. "Thank you," said Ash.

The Hoenn duo rush in and head towards Nurse Joy. "Excuse me. We want to register for Pokemon Contest in Indigo," said May. Ash recognize the voice as he pulls his hat down a bit to hide his eyes. Understand the reason of his act, Lillie pulls him away from the counter and head towards the door. Unfortunately, fate is not on their side as Sinnoh trio along with Serena and Shauna walk in. The raven haired groans in displeasure, as he pull his girlfriend aside and wait for them to be at the counter. As they gather at the counter, both Ash and Lillie walk slowly towards the door and exit.

Ash and Lillie sit on the bench nearby. Pikachu and Snowy sit in front of them. "I hate seeing them again," said Ash. "I know since they betrayed you but you can prove them wrong on the tournament," said Lillie. "That's the idea," said Ash.

Back inside the Pokemon Center, one of the May's Pokeball opens and Glaceon land on the ground. She sniffs to the air. Getting the smell of the yellow electric mouse, she walks towards the door.

*Pokemon talking*

Back to the couple, Ash looks at the list of his Pokemon inside his SmartDex. Pikachu and Snowy play with each other. Unknowing to the duo, the ice type Eevee walk around, still sniffing to the air. She looks up and see the electric mouse. She smirks and lunge towards him. The Alolan Vulpix looks up and see Pikachu been held down to the ground by Glaceon. She makes her battle stand. "Let my mate go!" yelled Snowy. The ice type Eevee looks at the white vulpix. "He's my mate too. I already marked him," said Glaceon. Pikachu looks at Glaceon. "When did you mark me?" asked Pikachu. "When I rub my body on yours," said Glaceon. The while vulpix growls. "I marked him too. With my teeth," said Snowy. Glaceon glares towards Snowy. "Back off, he's mine," said Glaceon. "You back off. Pikachu belongs to me," growled Snowy. The ice type Eevee releases Pikachu and walk towards white vulpix. "You're want to fight?" asked Glaceon, angry. "Bring it on, bitch!" yelled Snowy. Pikachu looks at the both female Pokemon. He feels someone stand close to him as he looks to the right and see Buneary standing really close to him. "Buneary?" asked Pikachu. "Hi Pikachu," said Buneary, blushing. "Stay away from him!" Buneary looks at Glaceon and Snowy that glare towards her. She glares back. Pikachu rubs his head. "Can just get any worse?" asked Pikachu. A white ribbon wraps itself on his hand. Pikachu looks at the left and see Sylveon look at him with a smile. "Hi Pikachu. So nice to see you," said Sylveon. "Hey Sylveon. Is Serena knows you're here?" asked Pikachu. "Nope," said Sylveon, still smiling. The electric mouse looks at ice type Eevee and brown rabbit. "Are Dawn and May know you're here?" asked Pikachu. "I sneak out since I was bored and to stretch my leg until I smell your scent," said Glaceon. "Sneak out too and follow Glaceon," said Buneary. The electric mouse sighs.

*End Pokemon talking*

Ash looks at Glaceon, Buneary and Sylveon. "Wait, aren't that..."trailed Ash as May, Dawn and Serena run towards them. "There you are, Glaceon," said May. "Why are you here, Buneary?" asked Dawn. Serena looks at her fairy type Eevee that just smile. Ash pulls Lillie's hand. "Come on, Pikachu. We need to go," said Ash. Pikachu nods as he follows his trainer. Glaceon, Sylveon and Buneary look at the electric mouse as May, Serena and Dawn return them to their Pokeball. "I though Buneary only had eyes on Ash's Pikachu?" asked May. "I never see Glaceon been so affection towards a pokemon before, let alone Pikachu," said Dawn. Serena looks at the couple. 

Born To Be A Winner - A Betrayal storyWhere stories live. Discover now