Day 1: / | \ Confusion

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Got up, went to school, everything is normal. Came home, homework, dinner, bed, everything is normal. That's what I keep telling myself. That's what I hoped happened.

I hear one of my parents start hitting my door. I look at the alarm clock next to my bed. 5:00 am, time to get up.

"Ok! I'm up, stop hitting my door!"

"Just making sure. Be dressed and downstairs by 5:30! Love you!" My father yells as he walks down stairs.

I pull my legs out from underneath the covers and walk over to my dresser. On top of it has a grey shirt , a pair of black ripped jeans, bra, underwear, socks.

I put the clothes on. Satisfied with my braid in my long brown hair I check the clock. 5:20 am.
"Still need to fix my bed." I mumble to myself as I walk over to it and get to work.

I check the clock again. 5:28 am. I go downstairs to see that my mother is already making eggs and bacon.

"Don't forget your lunch is in the fridge." My mother says to me as I walk into the kitchen.
I nod to her and grab my lunch and put it in my backpack. My dad walks into the kitchen and sits down at the counter reading something on his phone, drinking his coffee. Mmmmm that smells good.

"Hey hon?"

"Yeah?" my mother replies.

"Three people have gone to the hospital due to that sickness going around in the last 2 days."
"Weird, has anyone figured out what's causing it?"

"No one has found anything yet, or at least that they haven't put on the news."
My mother puts a plate in front of me with a fork. I thank her and start eating.

"Maybe you should wear a face mask to make sure you don't get sick," My father suggests, " I just opened another article and it's talking about pores that are opening up at random chemical plants and dumps."

I nod my head still eating. He gets up and walks into the garage and walks back in with four masks in his hands.

"Stacey go wake up your sister I already told her to be down here. I look at the clock on the stove. 6:02 am. I nod and run up the stairs to her room. I open the door quietly and walk in to see her still sleeping with drool coming out of her mouth.

"Sophia," I call out quietly, "Sophia!" I call her name louder.
She jumps up and wipes the drool and hair from her mouth.

"There ya go. Come on get ready."
"Stacey! Five mor-"
"No you may not have five more minutes you have to get out of bed and get ready!" I say mimicking a mother's voice.
We start laughing.

"Alright but you seriously have to get ready."
I turn on the lights and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Sickness, huh? I wonder what it is. It could be a cough since dad wants us to wear masks, but how bad is it to send three people to the hospital?

I get my self out of deep thought and spit out the toothpaste and rinsing my mouth out with water. I walk out off the bathroom to get tackled by Sophia.

"AHHH!!" I squeal with surprise.
We start wrestling on the ground. I manage to get her into a headlock. My mother comes upstairs.

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