Day 1: Part 2 / | \ Send Help

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What has happened to our world? Why is it like this? Where did we go wrong? Can somebody help us? Did we do this to ourselves. We probably deserve it. God gave us life, he can take it away.

After the officer leaves my father turns on the news to see what's going on.
"We're declaring a State of Emergency, the streets are filled with sick people. Send Help now. Get yourselves out of your houses. Take your loved ones. Keep them safe. Officers are telling you to get masks, shotguns, flamethrowers if you have them. This is the start of the end. The Apocalypse." The news reporter says with urgency in her voice. She's not even afraid to tell us it's the end.

My dad turns off the TV. That's all he had to hear. He throws the remote on the couch and looks at us.

"Pack some clothes and let's go," He says quickly.

We all run upstairs to our rooms and pack a bag of clothes. I grab the essentials; flashlight, batteries, 3 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, 3 pairs of bras, 3 pairs of underwear, 3 pairs of socks, 2 jackets, 2 pairs of very sturdy shoes, water, toiletries, all into a duffle bag. I put a pillow and a blanket into the car. We already had an emergency kit in the basement so we grabbed that and put it into the car.

We all piled into the car and drove off. To where? Out of this town. Far away from here. The highway was packed, so we decided to take the back roads.

This infection was spreading quick. Some of the roads were covered in debris. Some of the houses we passed by were on fire.

After about 8 mins we arrived in Leitchfield. This place was completely deserted. Cars in the middle of road. A few Abnormals here and there. Some feeding on the corpses of people. Houses and cars on fire. We got out of there as quickly as possible.

Father turned on the radio.
"Evacuees from Clarkson. Head to Beaver Dam immediately. There you will get food and water. You will also be cleansed from any trace of the infection."

"Well, it looks like we will be heading to Beaver Dam," my mother calls out, "Girls get some sleep."

Sophia and I try to get some sleep but my mind keeps racing a million miles an hour. Why is this happening? Why now? I haven't gotten a job yet. I've never gone on my first date. I've never kissed Josh!

Stacey you are not dying calm the hell down. I tell myself. Well it feels like I am! Stop it! Take deep breaths.... I start taking deep breaths. Everything is fine.... BUT ITS NOT!! I SAID CALM THE F**K DOWN STACEY!!
Last time you said hell!

Silence. No one is talking. I can't hear anyone. I look around. I'm standing in the middle of the forest. A machete in my right hand and a sawed off shotgun in my left.

On my right thigh is a strap with a gun on it. Where the hell am I? The future. What?! Why? So you can see what you become....

The voice fades away. I'm standing alone again. My hair is in a high ponytail. I'm wearing a black shirt, green jacket, jeans and boots.

Real apocalypse attire. Reminds me of apocalypse Dean Winchester... that's what I guess everyone becomes in the apocalypse.

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