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When I opened the door I saw it was Charlie.I got no bound of joy when I saw him.I cried ,"Oh! Charlie".Mikaela was in the kitchen & came to the door.She tapped me & smiled at me.I hugged
Charlie tight & Kissed him.I tasted alcohol. "OMG! Charlie you are drunk." I cried.His eyes were red.I can feel he cried a lot & drank too much.Me & Mikaela took him to the sofa.I hugged him again & cried in his ear ,"I am so Sorry Charlie baby.I shouldn't have to do this.I am really a bad wife.You are an honest & loyal husband but I doubted you.Slap me.Scold me.Whatever you want to do.But please forgive me dear." Mikaela tapped & said ,"He is deep asleep take him to the bedroom" Me & Mickey took him to the bedroom.I put off his shoes & Shirt.Put on him with a night shirt.Mikaela said goodbye & take care then she left.I sat near him.I stroked his hair.I was thinking that how the hell did I hurt him.He got drunk only for me.He never drinks.I was scolding me inside.Then I heard him mumbling.I came close to him.He said
mumbling ,"Princess I am sorry.I can explain.I can explain why I was with Selena.Please trust me.she bl....." He stopped & fall asleep. After listening him I cried a lot.The person who was still thinking about me I doubted him.How bad I am.I kissed him gently.I slept hugging him.He was crying even if he was in sleep.I wiped his tears & kissed his forehead.I put my head on his chest & fell asleep. I felt something titillating on my belly.I woke up immediately & saw Charlie was tapping my belly.I didn't stop him & let him do.He then kissed my belly.I sat & hugged him tightly.I said ,"I am so happy Charlie you are alright.I am so sorry for yesterday."He grabbed my face & kissed on my forehead & said ,"No!! I am sorry Princess.It was not your mistake.All are my fault.I hide all the truth from you.I should have to say it before.For which this situation may not come.I'll say you all about the matter.But before that forgot about all the past.Let's have a new start." I cried looking at him.He wiped my tears & kissed me.I said him,"Don't hide anything to me.Share everything to me.Wheather it is bad or good.If it is bad we will face it with no fear.Don't you worry dear I am always with you.Believe in me.I will never leave you.I love you."I thanked God again for making all good again & this time I was so conformed that he is back to me.

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