
Rashaad Eric Smith. Born January 25 2018 4 lbs. and 6 oz. 5 inches long. Brown eyes. Brown skin. And a head full of hair. As much as I ate he should have been at least 9 lbs.

I held him in my arms until the nurse came back in and changed him. Ray was laid out in the chair next to my bed. He still cute when he is sleeping. You can see his five o'clock shadow because he aint shave since yesterday morning.

I heard a soft knock on the door and Cherry poked her head in. She had the biggest smile plaster on her face. "Hey boo!" She said in a hushed tone. She came over to me and hugged the living hell out of me like she me in two years. She just seen me last week.

"Hi, wassup? Why you here so late?" I asked. I thought visiting hours were over.

She looked at Ray the back at me. "New job." She said sternly. "Anyway, I wanted to see mi amiga and my godson. And I brought you a little something."

I don't why but she never in her lifetime brought me something that she didn't get back and use for herself. "What?" I gasped.

Cherry reached into her leather jacket pocket and pulled out a red laced thong.

"You gotta be kidding right? Why cant you be normal and get the baby a rattle or some shit." I laughed.

"Take it." She threw it in my lap. "Its a reminder of some sort. Freaky. But its a reminder." She smirked.

"Cherry where is my homeboy at?" Ray groaned.

"Not here."

"Then bye. Up here giving her underwear and shit. Take your ass home sometime." Ray pointed to the door.

"Whatever grumpy. I'll see you later boo. Bye godbaby. Ray one last thing." Cherry said half was out the door.


"Fuck you!" And with that she left to go lord knows where.

I looked at Ray who was still staring at the door like he would do something. Him and Cherry been bumping heads for the last three months and I don't know why. Like last month Cherry and Ray were in the kitchen by themselves. Next thing I know they ready have fight night in my kitchen. Up there throwing my damn utensils at each other. Damn fools.

"What?" Ray groaned as he threw his head back.

"Wassup wit you and Cherry?" I asked crossing my arms.

He looked at me with his eyes slightly closed. He sat back down in the chair and continued to stare at me like I didn't just ask him a question.

"Nigga your ass deaf now or something? Answer my damn question." I said.

"I don't feel like dealing with this shit right now Nicki. Just go to sleep and get some rest." He said closing his eyes.

"What the fuck you mean? Ray every time I ask you this shit you want to go to sleep or change the topic. What the hell is going on?" I felt my eyes start to well up.

"Fuck this man. Ill be back later." He said grabbing his keys and leaving out of the room leaving me there. Alone.


"Come on, Ray Ray, why you really left her there? The mother of you first born child and your soon to be wife, hopefully." He said poking me in my chest.

"Stop fucking grilling me about shit you know nothing about. I came over here to smoke this shit then I out." I inhale some more of the blunt that I just rolled.

"Ray get your shit together. Everybody know you fucking Cherry. Nicki just too kind hearted to see that shit."

"Roc, seriously not the time. And everybody don't know. Just you so keep it that way." I glared at him.

He threw his hands up. "What the hell got you acting like this? Me knowing this shit is enough. Nicki is like the sister that I always wanted and you doing this." He snatched the blunt from in between my lips. "Grow up sometime today please."

"I been grown since I turned fucking 17 years old. You didn't have to take care of everything. Sure I had help but that shit wasn't enough. I was still struggling with every fuck thing!" I screamed

"You think I aint see that shit. I was right there with you! And Im with you now! If you die today who think gonna watch after Nicki and Rashaad and Tay Tay? Me and Prince. And you up here fucking one of your bestfriend's girl. Know what get the hell out!" Roc yelled opening the door.

"Fine. I don't need this shit. And your weed weak as fuck bruh!" I said bumping past him.

"But you still was smoking the shit, wasn't you?" He slammed the door closed and I got in my car to drive back home and get some sleep.

I walked in through the front door and I heard the tv on in the living but nobody was watching it. I turned it off and I heard rustling in the kitchen. I went in there to check it out and Tay Tay was in there eating the rest of Nicki's food.

"Homie how you get back home? I thought you was over Prince's house." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Was. I walked back home. They aint got no meat around that bitch." He shrugged taking another bite of the sandwich.

"Stop cussing. How you feel to be an uncle?" I asked.

"How it feel to be a parent?" He smiled.

"Feeling hasn't changed still gotta take care of you." I retorted. "Finished that shit and go to sleep you going to school tomorrow." I said taking the bag of chips.

I went upstairs and showered. I kept thinking about what Roc said. And I shouldn't be doing this to Nicki. I been with her for 3 years almost and I went and cheated on her and some more shit.

I love that girl but she aint never want to fuck while she was pregnant. So I went somewhere I could get a quick fuck. Cherry wasn't my first choice but she was my closest choice. It was just a lot going on at the moment. And her and Prince was going through something. And Nicki was staying with her father that weekend and Cherry was just here. One thing lead to another and shit happened. Shit was happening for two months. But I broke it off before we got caught by Nicki and she kill the both of us. I honestly believe Cherry is mad. That's her business though.

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