20 How to Finish a Book

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November 6th, 2018 Valerie November Grayson

That is not my alarm clock, or my phone, or a school bell, or my younger siblings, that is the sound of the door bell ringing. My dad must of forgotten his keys again.

"WE GOT IT" the twins yell simultaneously.

Soooooooo 2 years later and I think all the drama is over now. Apparently Vera was high as fuck when she kissed Cam so I wasn't mad at her for long. Chris apparently had an addiction to painkillers that his girlfriend helped him get over. Dustin and his girlfriend go on dates every week now. The twins are still twins. Leo is a genius at the age of 2 is already in kindergarten and learning complex math and quadratics, and he already knows how to shoot a gun, hide and gun and threaten people with a gun. Dad is very proud of him.Cameron and I are about to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. That's right we have been dating for 1 whole year. I honestly do not remember how it happened. I think he payed me like 50$ and I said yes.But I would of done it for free.


I can't believe my eyes...

"MOM!!!" I push Dustin away and squeeze the life out of her.

"Yea, I had to fake my death to get out of debt with a Mexican drug dealer from high school." she says.

"That's understandable."

"Good morning mother, I have been anxiously awaiting your arrival. I am your son Leapord; However you along with the rest of our family may call me Leo." Mom walks over to Leo's crib and picks him up.

"Awwwwwwwwwww, my cute little baby is a genius. He's almost as smart as Chris was when he his age, speaking of which, CHRISTOPHER OCTOBER GRAYSON GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW WE ARE HAVING A FAMILY MOMENT!!!"

Suddenly Chris comes down stairs half naked and looks surprised to see mom then happy.

He goes to hug her and then the door bell rings again.

"Do we have some other dead mother I do not know about" Leo says.

The twins open the door and dad walks in "I forgot my keys-..... Your alive...."

Then dad walks up to mom and they start making out then she started taking his jacket off then he started taking her blue dress off then then things got a little pg-13 on the couch. I impediment look away.

"Get a room"

I hear them laugh and I smile. Then I hear the door bell ring again

"How big is this family?" Leo says. The twins open the door. and Cameron walks in. "babe i've been waiting in the car for hours whats taking so long"

"My mom is back from the dead my dad forgot his keys and Chris is half naked that's whats taking so long" I reply and give him a kiss on the cheek

"shit" he says finally noticing my dead mom standing in the room. My mom pulls me into a hug, then my dad joins the hug, then Chris, then Cam, then the twins, then Dustin. Everything was perfect. My family was together and happy and perfect. This was the perfect happy ending I always wanted.

"I hate to ruin this oh so precious family moment; However, I need one of you to change my diaper" chimes in Leo. We all laugh.

The End. . . or is it?

lol, jk its the end. :P


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