Chapter 12

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"Get me more pickles and if I don't see them in the next 10 minutes, you are sleeping on the couch tonight." That is Henry screaming at me. With the craving and the mood swings, I've been walking on eggshells around this house.

"Baby I'm sorry you know I don't mean it, I love you. I don't know what's wrong with me." See what I mean? one minute he's Godzilla and the next he wants to get into my pants. I humour him, I know how hard it is on him and I love so I will do all I can to make this his period of pregnancy as comfortable as possible.

"It's ok Honey, what would you like with your pickles. I'll get it for you I don't mind." He smiles at me in a way that makes my heart pound and reminds me why I fell for him in the first place.

"Well, since you are so kind as to offer, I want a full tub of ice cream and hot sauce and pineapples and peanut butter and raisins. Bring them up here, I have cramps." I roll my eyes. I knew I shouldn't have asked. Since we found out that he was pregnant, he has been having these weird cravings, just crazy. The Doctor said that it is completely normal. He also said that it is safe to have sex until the third trimester so at least that's a plus if not I would have hung my self when all this started.

When we found out that he was pregnant, I tried telling him to move in with me. Although we have been together for three months, its a little quick, I know. But since we got together, it felt like he was already part of the family land now he is having our kids he really is part of the family but he is stubborn and not yet ready to move in with me. He says its too soon but I call bullshit. I I'm not going to give up now.

I get to the grocery store and get all the things that Henry asked for and some other things. I go to the counter to pay for them. The cashier tries to flirt with me relentlessly not knowing that she is wasting my precious time and making a damn fool of herself in the process. I have a pregnant boyfriend that I love very much and three children why would I risk it for a slut like her.

When she finally rings up my things, I pay and leave. When I get outside, all I can see is flashes, paparazzi. These people never give up, I wonder how they found out I was here. I get through them while covering my eyes from the flashes and ignoring their questions. When I get home I check on my kids first to find Alfie not in his bed for his nap, he must be with Henry. I check on the twins to find them fast asleep. When I get to my room I hear whispered talking. When I open the door it stops. I wonder what they were talking about. I see Henry on the bed with Alfie, Alfie has his head on Henry's stomach. Although there is no bump,; he still likes to talk to his little brothers or little sister.

"Hey Henry, here are your pickles and everything else." I say handing him the bags. He quickly opens it and brings out his pickles and starts munching on it. He gets out the peanut butter and hot sauce plus the ketchup on pour nightstand, don't ask. He mixes them together to make a concoction. I make a face of disgust but keep my opinions to myself, I know what happened the last time I mentioned his new diet. Alfie on the other hand doesn't get the memo.

"Eww what is that?" I look around nervously. Henry's face turns red, he's gonna blow, run for cover. I need to deflect this fast.

"Uhh Henry we need to talk." I say while ushering Alfie out of the room.

"What?" He said his mouth filled with pickles.

"Henry we have to talk about you leaving work," He looks shocked and is ready to say something but I cut him off. "Just until you give birth, I know you don't like the idea but, your pregnancy is delicate and if you gat stressed, you might loose the baby and I don't want that, I want you three to be safe."

I take him in my arms, and it looks like he might be considering my words.

"If it makes you feel any better I will work from home most days and be with you here so you don't have to be alone." He shakes his head.

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