Chapter 14

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1 day earlier.....

I was woken by my alarm clock, the sound so loud I was shocked from sleep but didn't have the strength to open my eyes or leave the bed, I was engulfed by a warm body so it wouldn't be a surprise that I was reluctant to leave. I eventually decided to open one eye to look all around me and I could see through the curtains that it was already morning. I then relented and opened my other eye and tried to get up but I looked down to my chest and saw Henry looking so cute. His hair ruffled from sleep and his face squishing together with no care in the world.

I just remembered why I set the alarm ugh I have to get the kids ready for school and get to work and there really isn't a lot of time left. I cant really wake Henry up because he had been stressing all night and he still has morning siclness so he is gonna wake up sooner or later.

I had no choice but to get out of bed, I went to the kids room and got them ready for school and got ready myself. Before we left I took the kids to my room to check on Henry before we left turn out he was still sleeping so I told the kids to go and wait for me in the car while I went to kiss Henry goodbye. When my lips touched his forehead, he woke up startled, looking around with wide eyes, but when he saw my face, he relaxed and smiled up at him the same time a smile was pulling at my lips.

"You ok baby?" Before he has a chance to respond, he is running to the toilet holding his mouth. He is going to throw up again, morning sickness is still a bitch. I went to the toilet and rubbed his back when I saw him dry heaving into the toilet bowl.

"I guess that's your answer Jace. Where are you going dressed like that?" He asked me while washing his mouth in the sink.

"I'm going to work real quick, I have to do some things in the office and I have some meetings to attend but don't worry I will be back soon. I'm taking the kids to school on my way to work and ill bring them back so relax and don't do anything too stressful. How was your sleep by the way?" I asked while pulling him into my arms for a hug.

"I slept wonderful especially since I have this hot boyfriend with a hard and sexy chest that is so comfortable and warm." he says nuzzling my chest at the same time.

"Well I'm glad that my hard and sexy chest could be of service to you." I pull away giving him one last kiss.

"Ok be back soon rest." I leave him in the room and I'm positive that he will go back to sleep the moment I leave the house so I drop the kids at school and get to work in record time. This is going to be a long morning.

The meeting was brutal and lasted a whopping 3 hours, it was boring for most part but some of it really got my focus and opened my eyes to a few things, foe example HR and accounting found some money missing from the monthly profits estimate and this has been happening for 4 months which isn't supposed to be so but it appears that someone has been stealing from me which I can say is a horrible decision on that persons part, they clearly don't know who they are messing with. I'm launching a full on investigation and whoever is found guilty, I will by any means deal with them.

I need to call Henry and check on him and tell him that I may be a little later than I anticipated, my finger was already poised to call Henry when the sound of my door being roughly jerked open caught my attention. A woman whom I thought that I will never see again, the same woman that I never wanted to see again and that I had to push out of my life, the same women who gave birth to my children is standing in my office, my skittish assistant, the one replacing Henry is staring at me frightened trying to get out words but not really knowing what to say.

"I tried to stop her but she pushed her way in, I swear I did."

"Its alright Mary you can go now." She ran out of here like the devil was on her heels.

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