06 | 'angry boy'

760 37 13

One of the waitresses welcomes you and Bakugou to the restaurant and you raise two fingers, referring to a request for a table for two. She acknowledges you immediately, directing both of you towards a table with sofa seats on the far end of the restaurant. She tells you that orders are to be placed on the tablet next to you before taking her leave to give you two privacy.

"What type of curry do you want?" You ask Bakugou as you get hold of the tablet placed on your right hand side.

"The one with pork cutlet." He falls back in his seat, folding his arms as a bored expression clouds over his face.

You tap onto the screen to place Bakugou's order in first. "What about your drink?"

"Coke, cold."

"Gotcha," you nod, adding the order into the cart before you select your food choice. Once you finish placing both orders into your cart, you look up at Bakugou again. "Any desserts for you?"

"No." His answer was brief but it answered your question either way. You shrug, submitting the orders before setting the tablet aside as you wait for the food.

The atmosphere turns awkward but you paid no mind to it. Your attention lands on the red string of fate, which stretches across the table towards Bakugou's pinky.

You let out a sigh. Ever since your first time encountering Bakugou, you have only met three times, with today being the third one. It did seem like you two had come quite far since then, despite meeting only three measly times.

Your train of thoughts get interrupted when Bakugou clears his throat and you snap your head up, your eyes meeting Bakugou's ruby ones. Bakugou cocks an eyebrow upwards sassily, folding his arms as he grunts.

"You always look down at both of our hands," he points out and you pause in place. Did he figured out your quirk already? "Does that have something to do with your quirk?"

You hold back the dying urge to exhale in relief, slowly releasing the breath you didn't even notice you were holding. He did not figure it out, not yet at least. In fact, it would actually be tough to riddle out a quirk as random and useless as yours, even a natural born genius like Bakugou would have troubles figuring it out.

"Yes." You keep answer short, not filling him in on any other details. You already made your decision to not lie to Bakugou again, hence you still answer his question despite how short it is. Bakugou does not press on as well, seemingly alright with just a one-word answer.

He looks away, rubbing the side of his head before his eyes move back and zone in on you. Your breathing stops again as you feel your muscles get tense, waiting for Bakugou to say something in silence while you stare back into his scarlet orbs.

Bakugou huffs. "Those chocolates," he mention and your heartbeat increases, your nervous system triggering away. "At least they didn't taste shitty."

You blink at him as his words start to sink in. He said they didn't taste shitty--was he trying to say that they were good?

"I am glad you liked them." You broaden your lips into an elated smile, relieved that he did not hate your chocolates at the very least.

"I-I did not say I liked them," Bakugou denies, folding his arms around his chest again as he breaks eye contact with you. "I only said they didn't taste shitty, that doesn't mean I like them! Dumbass! Go die!"

You shrug, naturally getting used to Bakugou's foul mouth. He's someone who is not honest with his feelings and is always angry, constantly filled with wrath. Somehow, you do not seem to loathe him as much as you did before. You still don't like the fact that Bakugou is your quote-on-quote "soulmate" but at the least, you are beginning to see him in a better light.

red string of fate 《bakugou katsuki》Where stories live. Discover now