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I draped the sheets over my head and groaned when I heard the beeping sound of my alarm.
Beep, beep, beep!
As if on cue, my mom shouted "Kelsey!"
I sighed and shut my eyes tight when I heard my mom's footsteps get closer to my room.
"I know you're awake!" my mom said to me, and I assumed that she shut off my alarm because the sound stopped. Then, the sheets were thrown off of me and the cold air hit me.

"Oh my god!" I yelled, shooting myself up, grabbing the sheets again and covering myself to keep warm.

"Why is it so cold?" I asked, while my mom just laughed at me.

"Just to wake you up," she said, putting my clean clothes on my bed. "You know, if you woke yourself up without putting your alarm on snooze, I wouldn't have to do that!"

I smiled and wrapped the sheets around me tighter.
"Mom! Did you know that you can turn the heat on in the house and it'll be nice and warm so we won't have to wrap ourselves in sheets?" I sarcastically asked her with a big grin on my face.

My mom sat down on my bed and started to pet my dog, probably ignoring what I had just said. "So, first day back from the weekend will be fun, right? Excited to see your friends again?"

I laughed loudly and sat down next to her on the bed. "Mom, you're so awkward!"

My mom laughed, hugged me and got up, ready to leave my room until she stopped at the door.

"Make sure that you look in the mirror before you leave for school? Your hair is very…interesting," she said, stifling a laugh.

After I had taken a shower and gotten dressed, I started to walk to school. And yes, I made sure that my hair looked great (as usual.)
As I was walking to school, I was suddenly pushed into and straight into the grass. I was so ready to hit whatever that was, until I saw that it was my best friend, Alex.

"Thanks a lot, you dick! Now I've got grass stains on my new clothes!" I yelled, eyeing the mother and her child on the other sidewalk glaring at me. It was probably, most definitely because of my vulgar language.

"Were you really gonna hit me?" He asked, chuckling as I straightened myself up and held onto my backpack straps.

"I would've, if you weren't my friend!" I said, rolling my eyes at him. I hate it when he does things like that.

"So, how was your weekend?" Alex asked, chewing on a granola bar.

"It was pretty good, I tried to sleep but my mom needed help around the house. And yes, my sister did go out with her little boyfriend!"

"Well, did you get to see her this morning?"

"Nope, but I'm glad because she can be a real bitch sometimes!" I complained, but it was true!

Alex immediately started to laugh loudly and I guess the group of bitchy girls walking in front of us heard us both because they looked back at us disgusted.
"Well, what are you looking at!?" I asked them, "Is there a problem?"

"Yeah, you're so loud!" One of the girls told me and I could've ripped that lip gloss right out of her hand if I wanted to.

Alex nudged me and to calm me down, he cracked a joke, "Don't pay attention to them, they're so far up their own asses, they probably already stuck a dildo up there!"

"You're disgusting, Alex!" I said but laughed anyways.

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