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Finally, it was time for everybody to get out of school and I was so fuckin' excited. My fingers were literally shaking and I wasn't going to deny to myself that I liked Max.

Maybe it is a little too early and this is just young, silly love, I'm not denying it all. But I don't care because I really like this girl. I waited by the window and looked down at all the kids walking home, I bet I looked like a real creep.

I was just about to leave because it was getting creepy when I saw a red-head walking. A pretty red-head with a skateboard and next to her, a blonde boy riding his bike slowly. It was Alex and Max.

I bit on my lip and glared at Alex. He could have any other girl that he wanted but he turned down all the good ones. And now, the girl that I like is the one he likes?

I gave them one last look, and they're not even that far from me so I can hurry and rush outside to talk to them. So I ran over to my wardrobe, grabbed some clothes, and put them on. Then I hurried to the garage, grabbed my bike, rode slowly around and made sure I was noticed by Max and Alex.

I let the sun beam on my face and forgot what I trying to do for a good minute.

"Hey, Kelsey!" shouted a familiar voice and I turned my head to see Alex and Max again.

I rode over to them and smiled when I saw Max's gorgeous face. I'm insane.

"Hey guys," I greeted, and stopped my bike in front of them to talk. "So, how was school?" I laughed inside because of how great spending the day at home was. Just kidding, it was surprisingly boring.

"Shut up," said Max with a smirk on her face. She seemed to get a little more comfortable with talking to me like I'm one of her friends. I'm so happy we're friends. "You missed Mr. Clarke's class, smart-ass."

I blushed at what she said but masked it by laughing. "Well, I wouldn't have missed it if weren't for my alarm clock! Stupid thing didn't go off until really late!" I lied, and turned my attention to Alex.

"Hey, how about we all go to the arcade? Kelsey and I like to go there all the time!" He told Max who had a smile on her face.

We have never even been to the arcade in our lives before but I guess it would be fun to spend some time together.

"Yeah, let's go!" I lied once again and rolled my eyes. This was not going to be as fun as arcades should be. But we all rode over to the arcade anyways.

"So this is one of my favorite games, Dig Dug. I'm really good at it," boasted Max, pointing to a name on the leaderboards.

I cringed slightly when she lightly pushed Alex to the game, implying that she wanted him to play it. I almost died at the sight of Alex's terrified face when he started to play. The little ghost-like things were going to get him and he tried so hard to get away from them.

I literally had to look away from the sight of it all. He really shouldn't have lied to get Max to like him more but I did the same thing so what difference does it make? I watched Max laugh at Alex's countless deaths until we caught each other's eye.

My heart pounded and my palms got all gross and sweaty. Well, that was until she looked away and back to Alex's horrid game. I wanted her to look back at me but she didn't. I studied her face for any sign of red cheeks like in the love stories but there was none.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I told Alex, but he was so invested in dying in the game that he just uttered a "mhm."

I made my way though kids until I finally reached the bathroom. There were only three girls in there but they were already leaving out. I made my way over to the sink and stared at myself in the mirror.

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