Genderbender: Female Law x Male Reader

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Note: Reader is also a captain of her own pirate crew!

Note: Reader is also a captain of her own pirate crew!

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You sighed feeling a presence behind you. Great, another ass to kick. Yay!... As if you had nothing else to do.

As you slowly turned around with boredom all over your face, already feeling a new headache coming, you were quikly surprised to encounter not another clingy marine after you but a very special pirate: Trafalgar Law.

He took in your surprised look and with his biggest dark grin spoke teasingly:

"Already defeated by my amazing looks (Y/N)-ya? And here I thought I'd have to win you in a battle." - The arrogant man rose his free hand ou of his pockets, opposite to the one holding his Kikoku, and lifted his shirt to reveal his toned muscles - "Oops, my bad..."

You couldn't help your loose chin hit the ground for both his shameless behaviour and god like sculpted muscles.

He chuckled at your innocent reaction, making you go from your 'surprised' state to 'angry bull' kind of glare.

"You want to fight me." - It was a statement that left your lips.

"Just like everyone else who's heard of the rarest and most powerful devil fruit to ever exist, the Dime Dime no Mi." - His voice held a more serious tone.

You were sorry to break it to Law but the rumors spreading around about your devil fruit were all lies.

The power the Dime Dime no Mi gave you over dimensions was one of traveling, not one of molding it to your desire, making these powers quite useless in your daily pirate life. That's why you insisted on using your sword skills against opponents.

The only time your powers were indeed useful was when needed and emergency escape, allowing you to bend the law's of nature and transport you to other dimensions. But that didn't mean you would be able to go back home, to your original dimension, as there were infinite dimensions, some of them with just a slight difference.

The true danger behind your powers were to it's own user and those he/she brought along.

Not that any of that information should spread, making yourself look weak, to the world.

"Then I shall fulfill your wish." - With no more words to exchange the two of you ran against one another.

With Law visibly ready to unleash his Kikoku, you had to come up with a better plan to defeat him. Unfortunantely nothing occured as you clashed blades multiple times.

Law on his hand, could see right through you, or so he thought... He began to comment your lack of attention in the fight and the fact that you had still to use your powers.

As you heard him, never answering back, an amusing thought came in your head.

Abrubtly stopping his attacks, Law signaled to use his powers, that was your cue. You knew it was now or never. So you did it, you used your powers to transport you both to another dimension, a very special one in fact...

Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now