Kingsman Law x Princess Reader x Surprise Guest

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Note: Sooo there was a last minute draw (5-5) between Merman Law and Kingsman Law, so as a born pervert and amazing writter I'll be writting both ;) xD

Characters: Kingsman Law (as the new spy who saves the day and bangs the princess in the end), Princess Reader (who in the movie is traped and then saved), Surprise guest (spy/collegue of Law)

Second note: I don't remember the whole movie and neither am I going to watch it just for a fanfic chapter I'm writting soooo just go along with it in case you find something different or strange!

Oh and please remember: Law is a little bit younger here, probably near the spy's age at the time... so, not 26!

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"The coast is clear, let's go Corazon!" - Law, the newest kingsman's spy, went ahead past over a couple of bloody corpses laying around filled with bullets.

Corazon, his talented and older mute partner, nodded and followed him before jolting and turning around to the sound of banging on a near metal door they just passed with his pistol aimed for the unknown target, constantly switching it's aim.

"Please help! I, princess (Y/N) of XXX kingdom, have been kidnapped and enprisioned!-" - A thin trembling voice managed to get through the bars of a small open window to the outside of the metal door.

"Sorry princess, no time." - Law answers quickly, preparing to turn and leave. Corazon just watched in confusion, wondering how one of the rich people, the bad guys, could have possibly gotten inprisioned by their own.

"Please, if you free me I'll even let you sleep with me!" – The voice begged louder this time, eyeing his stoned figure from the small window.

Law stopped for a moment as Corazon's jaw hit the floor, face burning and hands up in the air like an old lady hearing the best gossip in the neighboorhood.

Law then turned around and walked to your door, a smug smile on his face, pistol already tucked into his pocket, carelessly. His posture telling you he was completely interested now... He eyed the girl's face, you, taking in your features, well the only ones he could barely see through the bars and smirked...

"It would be an honor... to serve..." – His fingers reached for your hair, to tuck it behind your ear, and letting them lazily fall from your cheek to your neck, slowly approaching your exposed chest from the V cut dress – "...and be served... Your highness."

You too ventured his body with your hand bringing him closer by the neck tie and playing with his hair and goate. Strangely his dark hair was very tamed and soft...

"The pleasure is all mine..." – "Your eyes dared not to leave his.

"Law, Trafalgar Law." – He whispered.

Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now