Dancer Law x Dancer Reader

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Note: This is a modern day AU, Law and Reader are professional dancers, they already finished college despite the age difference!

"Good morning eveyone, I hope you're all warm and ready to start practice." - The choreographer, Mr 2, walked in as usual, with his flashy outfit, just on time, as your class finished warming up for the intense training you were about to receive.

Mr 2 was a good choreographer despite his odd looks and often questionable quirks, his sexuality was a mistery as he flirted with every living being and even inanimate objects, but his talent was undoubtedly vast. His classes were the most successful and famous among dancers, lots of celebrity dancers started in his class, eveyone wanted to at least have the chance at being trained by one of the best and possibly reach for the high places...

This year you had been one of the few lucky ones to get a place in his class, in Alabasta academy, specialized in ballet. Last year you were too late to enter, in less than a week all spots had been taken, but it was that year that gave you a boost to record yourself in many other events and safely proclaim your place in this years class, however... you were alone...

You didn't know anyone in class, your friends couldn't make it, not to yours at least. It had been two weeks since you had started yet the only one whose name you knew was Vivi, the daughter of the owner of the academy and lead dancer on last years main christmas ballet show: the nutcracker, she was a good dancer, despite her status she deserved her place just as everyone else. You were surprised to find out how selfless she was, unfortunantely she had her group of friends and only shared one class with you, that didn't give you enough time to bond. Everyone else seemed... too fake, mommy's and daddy's children that need to keep appearances for the sake of their money...

But it was ok, it was only the begining of the year and you were hopeful things would take a turn for the best, you just had to keep giving your best...

"Before we start, I have some BIG news to deliver!" - Mr 2 called everyone's attention, including yours - "As always, this year's Spring festival's main performance will be held by our academy at Alabasta's eldest royal theater in the capital, but this year we'll have the help of our rival academy: Baroque Works Academy, to achieve the biggest collaborative performance yet to bee seen in the history of our dance academies!"

The room quickly flood with whispers and rumors, mostly negative ones. Baroque works, the biggest rival Alabasta academy had ever had, didn' often play by the rules... which ended in many fights over unexplaineble injured students in last minute, before performing.

Not that people in your academy were far off from that, in the world of performing arts, whether it's dancing, singing, etc, competitors often had to be careful to double check everything in case someone tried to sabotage their performance, it was a cruel current truth... but compared to Baroque academy, it took a loooooong way. Forget double checking, or forth checking, you needed to stay alive until the end of the show...

No wonder the other dancers were starting to freak out!

"But Mr 2, what about the rumors?!" - The worried girl put it lightly.

"Nonesense! They're just rumors! Now, I expect you all to be on your best behaviour when your new collegues arrive in the afternoon, for today we'll audition for half the roles in the play, except for the female lead role, which will be done by Miss (Y/N), congradulations little miss! Moving on..." - Mr 2 dropped the bomb like it was nothing and continued searching through his papers in hand.

You could feel murderous eyes all over you, the mood in the room quickly darkening around you, it felt like a prey surrounded by it's predators... You quickly thanked Mr 2, who wasn't even paying attention, and dashed out of the room and into the long hallways looking for a way out...

Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now