Policeman Law x Thief Reader

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"Catch her!" - A series of voices neared themselves to your hiden figure on top of a cathedral.

You smiled as you peeked, they took the bait. Now out of trouble you easily jumped down with the help of your tools to land safely on the ground the opposite side of theirs.

Making sure you had everything with you, you eyed your backpack swiping it to your front to unlock it and take out a golden bathed crown with fifteen grand colourful jewels and smaller diamonds  around it's base. The crown of the royal family...

A priceless objec-

It disappeared from your hand. The sound of a bullet being fired made you look to the left in alert, seeing your biggest rival smirking as usual...

"Trafalgar Law..." - You quickly glanced at the fallen crown behind you before completely turning your attention towards him - "Damaging royal treasure won't look good on your file."

"The celestial dragon's toy collection? We both know they don't give a shit." - He aimed the gun to your head despite the distance.

"And yet one of us is trying to protect it." - You fired back watching his relaxed stance go rigid.

Sensing a change of mood you were quick to skip to the side before a series of bullets could hit you. You ran to the back of the cathedral and used the wall for cover while Law ran around the corner to catch you.

Using the labyrinth like shaped garden as an escape you ran between the tall bushes not really knowing the exit yourself. You could hear Law hot on your trail but no gun shots, you decided to fool him by letting him go ahead of you as you hid behind another bush...

It seemd to work well, too well. You grew suspicious as you didn' hear any sounds, not even footsteps. 

Suddenly there was a metalic sound followed by a sharp line drawn across every bush that slowly slid and fell off to the side, like the had just been cut.

"Kikoku..." - You cursed him and his weird ass sword.

You made a run for it, you had nowhere to hide anymore, and simply jumped the down smal bushes with Law easily following behind.

You ran and ran... towards newers buildings. Cofusing thoughts filled your mind and you glanced back seeing Law not too far with his sword still in hand unleashed. Why hadn't he used his gun? You were right on sight...

Taking turn you used a special with a rope to take you to the top of a building. As you elevated you saw an open window, a chance to escape. You smiled and took it, jumping fast inside and recoiling your tool.

After closing the window and making sure to observe Law's confused shadow wander around you did a small victory dance. Your throat felt dry and so you went towards the kitchen to get a drink.

As soon as you were finished you turned back and headed for the exit where you found Law locking the door and putting his jacket away in the stand beside the door.

"Feels good to have work cut short, thanks ______-ya." - He mock-winked your way while you waved your arms around desperately with your mouth agape.

"W-WHA-HOW-WHY-NOOO!!!" - You gripped on your hair walking backwards as Law walked inside taking his shoes off and putting them to the side.

You made a run for it through the livingroom but the balcony's glass doors were locked, then you tried the kitchen, the bathroom and finally the open window on the end of the corridor... which Law shut on your face at his command.

You glared back at him watching him put the key in his pocket.

"The good and bad side of having a modern appartment, everything is electronic." - He leaned sideways against the wall as he watched the steam come out of you.

Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now