Senior Part 3

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In January 23, Shay,Kenneth, Jane, and Ian went to go get Kayla. Then Ian saw his ex girlfriend, bad things happened. Let's just say Kayla called the cops and Ian's ex girlfriend slapped him a crossed the face. Then after all that, they went to the mall and all hung out.

Jane and Ian started to get really close which means something good is going to happen to Jane. Jane, Kenneth, Christopher, Ian, and Shay went to the mall together. Christopher and Ian started something. Then Kenneth got involved with all of the shit that was going on. We all went into a store where Christopher and Kenneth tried on suit jackets. Shay was like amazed how both of them looks really good in the suit jackets that they were trying on. Shay really like a blue suit jacket that Kenneth tried on. He look really good in the blue suit jacket.

Jane, Kenneth, Christopher, and Shay went to a school dance together. The dance was boring within the hour. Then they all decided to go to the movies. Well Kenneth and Christopher we excited to see the movie that we went to see. Also, they meet up with couple other people. So that night was really good and had a great time.

The school that Shay goes to had a Winter Carnival which is were you play games and not have to deal with teachers. Winter carnival was a emotional days because all of the under classmates would chat " We will miss you." Shay and her friends started crying because it was the last winter carnival for them. She hugged Kayla, Jane, Anne, Christopher and Kenneth. She thought to herself that these next few months she going to be graduation soon.

During February vacation Shay worked. Also, she went to the mall with her co works and hung out for a little bit. She had she friend Jane sleepover her house. They went to Kimballs for dinner and cleaned all of Shay bedding at the Laundromat.

The month of March was good because Shay turned 18 and she was extremely happy that she 18 now. She also got a new boyfriend. They been friends since freshman year. (You guys won't know the mystery man.) Shay was happy that she finally had her life together.

April has been a rough ride because Shay has been in 2 car accidents in the last 2 weeks in April. The first one she was with her mom. Then Shay did the 2nd one by accident. Shay was backing up and hit a trailer and she panicked and drove away. Cops can to Shays house to see if she was home, but she wasn't she was at a soccer game. After the soccer game Shay had to go to the police station to give her statement. When she got home her dad started yelling at her. She also told her parents that she wanted to die. It wasn't the accident that triggered that, it was the feeling of being a disappointment to her parents that made her feel that way.

April 29 2019
Shay is waiting for the reporting officer to email her back. Shay also scared that she might lose her license. She just to wait and find out what happens.

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