Junior Year (part 1)

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Junior has started for Shay and her friends. Shay was dating Arnold at the beginning go the Junior but within the week of the year. Shay had a lot of things going on. Shay had her own brother come back into her life again. Shay saw him in May 2017 because she wanted to know what was going on in his life. Shay just need to focus on school and on her family because she need to get were she is. Shay broke up with Arnold because she didn't want him to have more stress than he already did. 

So within the month Shay was walking home from school and her brother texted her saying that he almost killed himself. Shay started crying on the way home. Shay texted her mom saying that he was in the hospital and Shay mom got out of work to come pick her up and went to the hospital. When they got there, her brother's step mom and grandmother was there. Shay felt so uncomfortable around them. Then they started talking about how his girlfriends are horrible people and how that are bad influence on him. Shay just didn't care about what they are saying. Then his grandmother was complaining that Shay's mom went in and saw him because Shay's mom was his mom too. After a few hours Shay's brother step mom and grandmother left the hospital. Shay texted her mom saying that they left. So Shay and her mom had to bring him home. 

After they brought Shay's brother home. Shay is always worried about her brother because he did eventually did everything again. Which sucks because Shay and her mom kept telling not to do that and he doesn't listening to them. Shay kept thinking about would if he did and she was in school and stuff. Shay worries about him so much that stresses her out a lot. So Shay didn't really pay attention in her classes because she was worrying about her brother.

As the school went on there was so much that was going. Drama got so much worse. So January 2018 Shay and Arnold did go out again. The second time in January end really quick. January 29 2018, Shay went after Arnold with her friends and Arnold pushed Shay out of the way. Shay almost cried because of the throbbing of the pain in her arm. Arnold said sorry for hurting her arm. That day Arnold broke up with Shay. She was in pain that she broke up but she wasn't mad or anything. The thing that got her mad was that he started a thing with another girl. 

Arnold and this other girl name Hailey. They started dating after Shay and Arnold broke up. They both really close. They broke up and Arnold texted Shay saying that they broke up. Shay felt really bad for him. He went through the whole thing like no one loves me or wants me here. Shay told him that isn't true. He told Shay that he shouldn't have broke up with her. Then the question came which was do you still have feelings for me? Shay told him that she still does. He said good I need you. After that Shay looked at Hailey's Snapchat story that Arnold gave her a second chance. Shay was shocked and mad because he totally played her. But Shay still liked him because he will always be her first love. On February 5, 2018 Shay and Arnold talked about what happened at school that day. They got into an argument about how Shay didn't want to ruin his relationship with her. She told Arnold that she will just leave. He replied with ok. Shay got really pissed off because she thought he was her friend and she also thought he cared about her. But she was so done.

On February 22, 2018 at Shay's school there is a winter carnival. Winter carnival is were the students don't have any classes and they stay in the gym and play games all day. Arnold was feeling really down. He was sitting near Shay during the first few minutes of winter carnival. Shay got up from were she was and see how he was doing. He told her about Hailey. So Hailey went to a party and did something really bad. Arnold heard about it and got really upset. Shay was there to comfort him and help him through this. Shay and Arnold kissed before he broke up with Hailey. So it was lunch time, Arnold talked to Hailey about the whole party situation. Hailey was sobbing and everything. Shay walked away because she felt that she broke them up and Shay started to cry. Arnold saw Shay crying and hugged her. Shay was happy because she felt better with him. When everybody was back in the gym, Shay and Arnold kissed again and again. Then Hailey saw and started sobbing again. Shay didn't care but inside she felt so sad because she thought that she broke them up but she didn't.

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