New Year Part 3

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June 2020:

Shay saw her best friends. Jacqueline and Shon came down from Vermont. They went mini golfing with more of Shay's friends. But Shay was kinda high when she went mini golfing. She had a great times with her friends.  As the month of June went on Shay, Destiney, and Marie hung out more then ever. Shay and them started hanging out with Kenneth and James. Well Shay developed a crush on James but he never knew about the whole crush. All of the friends and Shay went swimming one day and had a blasted. Then they all hung out at Memorial Field that was close by Shay's house. Destiney, Maire, and Shay went down there to meet up with Kenneth and James. When they got there, there were people that Kenneth knew. Destiney and Shay didn't know them or even cared. Well, James had Kenneth on the back of James's van and was driving around. June 21 2020, the day that Shay will never forget. The day started with Shay going to work as always. Then she hung out with Maire for the day. They both went to wake up Kenneth to get him out of the house. They all went to get some food after Kenneth got out of his house. When they were driving around Shay told Kenneth that she like James. Well, Kenneth called James up and told him that Shay liked him. Right then and there James asked out Shay over the phone. Of course said yes because Kenneth didn't want Shay to get to know James. Shay's plan was to hangout with James and talk to him and get to know him better. But Kenneth ruined that plan. 

July 2020:

Shay and James spent 4th of July together along with Kenneth and Destiney. Kenneth, James, and Shay hung out almost everyday. On July 25, it was Destiney's birthday, she was turning 17. Maire, Bernard (Maire's boyfriend), Destiney, Troy, Shay all went to Canobie Lake Park for her Birthday. Well, Kenneth was supposed to go but something came up and all of them went on a wild goose chase. But they left with out him.  Then Destiney's brother and other friend joined them for the day. 

August 2020:

This month was the hardest for Shay because James was being extremely distant. Shay was doubting their relationship because he was always hanging out with his boys. Shay had a mental break down were she was harming herself. She had so much memories that came back and she couldn't explain it to anyone. The next day Kenneth gave a lecture to Shay and James just sat there while Shay was crying and started panicking because she hates being yelled at which a lot of people didn't know about her. 2 weeks later Shay broke up with James because she has some much going on in her life. For example, she is in college and she has to focus on 2 of her classes to make sure she is graduating in about 2 years. She texted James that they should be friends and try again in the near future. After that day, she went down to Memorial with Maire and Bernard. They met up with Kenneth, Seth and with a bunch of other people. Before they met up with them Shay had a mental break down because she felt so guilty about breaking up with James. Anyways, Seth wanted to do some stuff to James. Then after all that James's mom texts her about the whole situation. Shay was so done with everything and told his mom the truth about what happened that day. Shay was just done with this whole situation. August 29   Destiney and Shay hung out for the day. Shay dyed her hair to a different color because she didn't want James to even recognized her at all. Well, Shay and Destiney met up with Kenneth and Seth for the day. Seth drove through puddles and broke off the muffler cover to his truck. The next day Shay hung out with Paul and Destiney for the day. All of them went to Memorial Field to hangout. Destiney had to leave because she was in Drivers Ed. So that left Shay and Paul alone for the time being. Here is some information about Paul. Paul is one of Shay's co-workers from work. Shay has the hugest crush on since they started working together. 

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