New year

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January 2020,
Well Shay start a new year with some new and old friends this month. She been doing okay. She has been focus on herself because she lost some good friends but shit happens. Well, her friend Jacqueline came down from Vermont for 2 weeks. Shay was excited to see her best friend. They hung out the most of the time while she was down here. Jacqueline was waiting to hear from her college to see if she got back in because she messed up a little bit. Jacqueline, Bri, and Shay went to Salem to walk around a mall for a bit. They had Taco Bell while they were down there. On the same day, they all had Taco Bell again when they got back to Concord. They went to Sullys to go visit Vicky and they all wen to Taco Bell again. They all went to Taco Bell 3 times that day. During the course of the week, Jacqueline and Shay were supposed to go to Vermont but Shays mom was being a huge pain the ass. Which was really frustrating because Shay can't really do anything which sucks ass. So Jacqueline went up to Vermont to go see her boyfriend Shon. They both came back to New Hampshire. Jacqueline, Shon, Vicky, Bri, and Shay went to the movies and saw "The Grudge". The movie was not that great. We all except for Vicky were scared shitless of the movie because if the jump scares. When Sunday came Jacqueline, Shon, Vicky, and Shay went to Vermont. Well, Shay has a crush on this guy up there. The guy she is crushing on is very chill and really cool to hangout with. But, it was awkward because when Jacqueline and Shon went to get McDonald's it was an awkward silence. When they got back, it was time to get high. Vicky got to hit a bong. That was the first time for her. Shay didn't want to do it because just in case her parents were up. After they all got highs except for Shay and Jacqueline, they played with the ouiji board. The guy that Shay likes record them playing the board to see if he could get anything. Well when Vicky joined Shay and Jacqueline, the thing moved. Well, nothing harmed us which was good. After Shay, Jacqueline and Vicky had to get going because their moms were being protective which is whatever. Shay was getting upset because she felt like she blew it with the guy that she likes. Which was a horrible feeling because Shay was really happy to be up there and never wanted to come home. But they had to go. Jacqueline had to bring her boyfriend home and when she got back to the car she was upset that she was leaving him, which is not a good feeling to have. We drove home and Vicky feel a sleep in the car and Shay took an 1 hour nap.

The days went on, Shay and the guy was talking and everything. One night she had a mental breakdown for no reason. But when February comes, she ready to have some fun with them again.

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