Prologue: Love or Trust?

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Another cough erupted from Krystal's mouth, the blue vixen slamming her paw against the wall of Fox's bedroom to steady herself. It passed quickly, but left the woman wheezing as she rose back up, almost stumbling as she righted herself. Worry was plastered all over Fox McCloud's face as he rushed over to his mate, wrapping her in his arms and holding her close.

"Krystal, you need to tell me what's going on. I know you don't want me to worry about you, but I can't help it. I'm going to worry whether you tell me or not, so I might as well know why, otherwise I'll just assume that it's something... well..."

The blue fox girl pulled away from the male, turning her back to him, "I already told you Fox, it's not deadly! It's just... you'll understand soon enough..." The vixen sighed, bringing her paw to her forehead before turning back to face him, "So how did the mission go?"

"Hun, I really think we should be talking about..."

"Fox please, it will help both of us relax," Krystal said, folding her arms and frowning at him, "So?"

Stepping back, Fox sat on his bed, trying to recall their recent assignment on Venom, "A lot less than we expected actually. Turned out there was a Venomian holdout cell still operating on the surface, but it was a lot smaller than reports suggested."

"And a lot less dangerous?" Krystal asked, tilting her head.

"Of course," Fox nodded, "We were still outnumbered, but once they realized who they were dealing with, most of them actually surrendered. These were pretty much the scrubs of Andross's army, Corneria's dealing with them now."

Krystal smiled, sauntering over to the orange fox, "I'm glad you didn't have trouble," She said, bending down and placing her paws on his shoulders, "But of course I didn't expect you would... Now tell me I'm beautiful, Fox..."

Unable to stop a snicker, Fox locked eyes with the vixen, not even bothering to look her over, "Of course you are..."

Krystal's eyes lit up, her smile widening, "Now tell me you love me," She purred.

"I love you Krystal," Fox cooed back, his paws settling on her hips as he leaned up to kiss her.

This kiss was short though as Fox pulled back, his smile fading a bit as he noticed that she was breathing more heavily than normal, "Okay... I don't want to seem like I'm not happy to see you, I mean I am, but..." Fox glanced away from his mate as he saw the look of disappointment in her eyes, "Maybe it would have been better for you if we did this over a hologram or a viewscreen?"

"We could have..." Krystal growled softly as she slipped her fingers under Fox's muzzle, lifting it so that she could lock eyes with him once more, her gaze half-lidded, her voice oozing seduction, "But then we wouldn't be able to do this."

Eyes widening as she pressed her lips to his, Fox tried to protest, but found his complaints fading away as she began to kiss him and he kissed her back. Lost to his passion for her, he didn't even mind as Krystal started to unbuckle his belt and slip her slim fingers into his pants...

The two wasted little time undressing; Fox pulling off his jacket, boots, and jumpsuit; Krystal simply slipping out of her tribal-style outfit. The lithe and now completely nude vixen wasted even less time in mounting her mate, pouncing him to his bed and straddling him with her thighs, Fox laughing and Krystal giggling as she leaned down to press her bare chest to his and give him another kiss.

They had made love several times since their relationship began, not long after Fox had rescued Krystal on Sauria. The position she chose for him now was something new though, yet Fox adapted fast, giving his mate just as much of himself as he normally would. The male thrusted himself to the fox girl riding him, gripping her slim but muscled thighs as she took his firm length into her, her own paws firmly on Fox's chest. As she rode atop her eager mate however, it seemed as though the vixen was having more difficulty than usual, her bare breasts bouncing not just with her lover's thrusts, but from her own gasping breaths, her breathing strained between the moans and cries of her arousal. Said arousal also seemed to be taking much longer than usual to peak, something that didn't escape Fox's notice.

"Maybe... we shouldn't...?" Fox gasped, starting to grow tired as he continued his thrusts, trying to get his mate to her own climax all while struggling to hold back his own, "It's taking longer..."

Krystal ignored him at first, driving herself against his throbbing shaft harder now, forcing Fox to shudder and moan in surprise as he worked ever harder to restrain himself from releasing into her, "No!" She barked, biting down on her lip and grunting, her blue fur soaked with sweat as she gasped and panted heavily, struggling even more visibly to keep her newly heightened pace, "I'm fine! I'm almost there!"

A grunt of frustration rushed past Fox's lips, but he only nodded, rocking his hips with her as she gasped and groaned. He tried to focus on pleasing his mate, ignoring her panting, ignoring the soft beeps he now heard as he concentrated on just the two of them. Suddenly he felt Krystal's thighs and hot loins tighten around him, her clawed fingers gripping fistfuls of his chestfur as she leaned back and let out a deep, exhausted moan of relief and then...

Fox's eyes shot open and he pushed himself up into a sitting position on his bed. The sheets were wet with his sweat, his underpants still bulging with his throbbing member, sore, left aching for release, and yet his mate was nowhere to be found. The orange vulpine glanced around the bedroom for his lover for a moment before growling. Of course she wouldn't be there, but why did she leave so suddenly?

"Well shit!" He groaned, heart racing as he began piecing everything together and that familiar worry filled him again like hot tea in a mug. The male leapt out of bed, rushing to pull some pants over his still aching manhood as he hurried to get himself ready. Something was definitely wrong, and whether Krystal wanted to admit it or not, he'd find out what was going on soon enough when the Great Fox reached the medical station. Until then however, Fox wasn't going to wait around helplessly. Pulling on his boots as fast as he could, the vulpine stumbled out of the empty bedroom, letting the door close behind him.

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