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Harry and I were finally breaking the news to our families. I'd never been more excited or anxious about anything in my whole entire life. Even waiting on my acceptance letter to culinary school had been less terrifying than this. Everyone was going to know that we'd successfully created a human being together.

My stomach had been fluttering with nervousness since I woke up this morning. I'd only downed a grapefruit and a boiled egg before I was already prepping for tonight's dinner. Everything about tonight needed to be absolutely perfect. It's not every day that a mother's only child breaks the news of her first pregnancy. Mom had graciously and eagerly accepted Harry and I's invitation to dinner and there was no doubt in my mind that she'd be anything less than ecstatic once we finally broke the news.

It wasn't her reaction I was concerned about.

Around noon I'd packed a lunch and headed in route for Harry's office. I hardly ever visited him at work but his lunch hour was the only moment of the day he had free to make a Skype call to Anne and Des. Being that they lived all the way in England they didn't have the advantage of getting a formal announcement like Mom did but we were determined to make the best of it.

I impatiently tapped my foot as I waited for the elevator to get to Harry's floor, running my hands over the sundress I'd slipped into. The building was so large and everyone inside was so professional looking I was afraid I'd underdressed. Once the doors finally opened was greeted with the sight of what looked like a never-ending corridor, men in suits and women in tight pencil skirts strutting around. I tried hard not to draw any attention to myself as I paced the hall until I found the door bearing a gold plated "Styles". I grinned to myself, wrapping my knuckles against the wood of the door.

"Yeah?" his deep voice booms.

I slowly turn the knob and peak my head through the door, catching sight of him slumped over his desk.

"Fancy office you've got here, Styles." I quip.

He stares up from the document he'd been focused on, a slow, dimpled grin adorning his lips.

"Hey, babe. Come on in."

I softly close the door behind me before sauntering over to his desk and placing the picnic basket on top.

"I figured you'd be hungry so I packed us a lunch. I made tuna sandwiches for you and cucumber for me. I read somewhere that I'm not allowed to have seafood. Too much mercury," I pause briefly to press a kiss to his mouth. " I'm so hungry I could eat a cow. Do you have a restroom in here?"

I take a deep breath, the words having come out in one big slur. I could get really chatty when I was nervous.

Harry chuckles.

"Yeah. It's just over there," he points his finger in the direction of a small room.

The bigger the baby grew the more frequently I found myself running to the restroom.

I checked my face in the mirror before leaving, making sure the light make up I'd applied was still fresh and my hair was in place. I hadn't seen Anne and Des in quite some time and I didn't want to look run down once I finally saw them again.

I chuckle at the sight of Harry rummaging through the picnic basket when I return, running my damp hands against the fabric of my dress.

"Hungry?" I ask.

He grins.

"Starving. It's not every day that a beautiful woman brings me lunch. C'mere. "

I do as I'm told, gasping in surprise when he pulls me on his lap.

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