- 9 💔

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I sat on top of the kitchen island, the cup of warm milk having grown cold and frothy in my palms as my eyelids struggled to stay open .

I'd hardly gotten four hours of sleep the night before and in my state of restlessness, decided to get a head start on my orders for the day. At first I'd been eager and buoyant, humming along to a few throwback tunes on the kitchen radio to keep myself occupied but I I quickly ran out of steam and was trying my best not to lose my beautiful lemon meurigne pie to the battle of sleep.

I shifted my weight, trying to find a comfortable position to accommodate my protruding belly before closing my eyes once more. It wouldn't hurt to have a small cat nap. I didn't care if the pie was a little brown. I just wanted to have a bit of sleep.


My eyes immediately snap open at the familiar drawl and the weight of his hands resting on my shoulders.

"The pie!" I gasp. " It's ruined! It's gone. I ruined it."

The tears sting my eyes and Harry chuckles lowly, giving my shoulders a squeeze.

"I'm sorry, darling. Didn't mean to scare ya. The pie's perfect as usual."

He makes his way around the kitchen island, making a beeline for the coffee maker. I can't help but notice the freshly starched button up he's wearing, having yet to fasten the first few buttons and the neck tie draped over his shoulder that's waiting to sit around his neck. He always looks so good when he's headed off to he office but I can hardly appreciate it knowing the place he's headed is playing such a major role is drifting us apart.

He fills a plain white mug, skipping the milk and sugar before planting himself in front of me, a sleepy smirk on his lips.

"You're up early."

I yawn as he gently pries the mug of curdled milk out of my hands and places it in the sink before turning back to me.

"Couldn't sleep. I had a strange dream and these leg cramps don't help either."

I'd tossed and turned all night, trying to find a position that was comfortable and wouldn't harm my little artichoke and my brain couldn't seem to rest- a million and one recipes and problems dancing around my head.

The corner of his lips turn into a slow dimpled grin and he places a hand on the swell of my stomach.

"Giving Mumma trouble, huh?"

I grin as he gently strokes my bump under my nightgown, the grin never once leaving him. As much as he tried to contain it, it was obvious that Harry was head over heels for the little bean. As I watched it grow I often wondered myself how one could become so fond of something that was hardly even a human yet.

"They don't mean any harm. Just doing what they're supposed to do." I reply, resting my hands against my belly.

He brushes my bed tangled hair out of my face, pressing a chaste kiss to my forehead before turning his attention to the mess I'd managed to make with food prep. Peering into the mixing bowl, he swipes a finger against the rim and scoops up a dollop of meringue. My cheeks burn and my breath feels suspended in my throat as his finger glides between his plump pink lips, a short hum of satisfaction escaping him.

If I weren't so tired I'd probably take him right in this kitchen - FDA regulations aside.

I draw in a deep breath, closing my eyes and hoping to push the obscene thoughts out of my head. I had things to do and goals to meet that were much more important than my raging hormones.

Harry flashes a grin that tells me he knows exactly what he's doing and I'm not sure if I should be amused or annoyed at how unusually playful he is this morning.

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