Chpt. 6

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Hyland

It was like a cold bitter breeze from the north and I shuddered. I subconsciously knew I hadn’t had my all-to-familiar nightmare for a long time but it came swift and hard. I was running out of breath through the woods and came upon the familiar clearing. Luke was at the top of the cliff looking down at the dark lake water.

”I told you I would be back,” he said to me without turning around.

“Luke, did you really kill Scott?” I pleaded with him slowly closing the distance between us, “Did you really kill your best friend?”

“Yes, I did,” he simply stated.

I was crying anew, “Why? How could you?”

“I was thirsty,” Luke said.

I stopped advancing, warning bells going off in my head.

“I wanted you, I wanted you bad. But I didn’t want to hurt you,” Luke said staring out at the black sky, “But I promised you and I would be together soon. I just don’t know why you didn’t wait for me.”

He turned around and I was horrified. His teeth were gleaming white, wickedly sharp vampire teeth with fresh blood dripping down his mouth.

“I promised you,” he repeated looking at me hungrily.

I screamed and tried turning to run. My legs churned in slow motion though. In a flash he cut me off and was right in front of me. I screamed one last time as he overpowered me.

“Shhhh it’s okay love,” Nathan soothed.

I was in a bedroom but realized it wasn’t Nathan’s. I saw Logan-Scott’s concerned face at the door. I guessed that I was in Logan’s apartment after I had fainted.

“It’s okay, just a bad dream,” Nathan continued.

But my dream had confirmed everything that Logan had told me. Luke was a vampire. He killed his best friend Scott and attacked, nearly killed my brother Logan who was now a vampire as well.

“Crystal, I’m sorry to upset you so, I knew it was going to be hard to hear,” Logan said sitting next to me on the other side of the bed. “I had a chance to speak to Luke briefly after he turned me which is how I found out about Scott. Luke broke up with you because he was trying to control his thirst. He had already just killed Scott and didn’t want to harm you either.”

I understood. So as painful and hard as it was, Luke left because he was protecting me. I looked at Nathan, not sure how he was feeling with all this talk about Luke. I thought about my real life encounter with Luke the other night. He was a vampire! He wanted me to come back to him. He still loved me.

I pushed my thoughts of Luke away and asked Logan, “Why were you with Dionne? Why did you help her attack me?”

Logan got up from the bed, “I had no choice. Darius manipulated me. I thought he was my friend and savior, but he had tricked me from the beginning. He was telling me lies about Nathan here. He threatened things to you and dad if I didn’t help ‘collect’ you that one day. However, I couldn’t stand how Dionne was toying with you and it was too much to bear. You’re my little sis and I couldn’t believe I was helping them both! I’m so sorry Crystal.”

“Are you in danger now? Is this Darius going to come after you?” I asked concerned for my brother.

“I really don’t care anymore. I’m more concerned about dad, making sure he is left alone. Plus Nathan and the guys have been pretty good and helping me watching out for their return.”

“And Logan has been helping go fill in pieces of the puzzle to the bigger picture here,” Nathan said in return.

“So they’re coming back?” I asked.

“Based on what Logan has been telling me, yes,” Nathan said solemnly. “Darius and Dionne.”

My heart beat a little faster.

“Don’t worry little sis,” Logan assured, “you have the best protection and I have dad’s back.”

“But Logan, you should join us, maybe we should all be together,” I suggested.

“Right now we don’t want to draw any more attention to your father and where he is,” Nathan said, “Logan has it covered. My priority right now is you so I don’t intend on leaving your side.”

“What about Luke,” I asked, “is he a threat? How does he fit in all of this?”

Nathan looked at Logan and Logan back to Nathan, both shrugged.

“I haven’t seen Luke since he first turned me,” Logan said. “As far as I know, he has no connection to Darius or his plans.”

“I see,” I replied feeling a little relieved, “so what about this Darius guy and ‘his plans’?”

Instead of answering, Nathan asked, “How are you feeling? Are you ready to maybe head home?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said swinging my legs off the bed slightly annoyed he was avoiding some of my questions.

As we made our way towards the door, Logan gave me a huge hug.

“You have no idea how much I missed you and wanted to tell you,” Logan confessed.

I smiled at him, “I’m just glad I have my brother back again. Please watch out for dad and let me know if anything happens okay?”

“Will do.”


Crystal, Logan & Nathan!

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