Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry this took so long to be posted.  I don't want to be the 'Mr.  Excuses' but I had swimming practice and tryouts this week.  But I am able to finish this chapter!  So here it is.


~Chapter 10~

As my eyes started opening, it was immediately blinded by the light shining right at it.

"She's awake!" A voice boomed, making me cringe.  Be quiet I wanted to tell the person.  But my voice didn't work at the moment.

I reopened my eyes and when they finally adjusted to the glaring light, I saw Celeste's face looming from above.  At my side was squid boy and Tyden.

The tiles, walls and ceiling were white.  Great.  I was in the hospital.  What happened to me now?  Celeste's mouth was opened, babbling something about tales or was it tails?  Either way my mind wasn't able to focus on her words.

Peering at my body, I was relieved that nothing seemed broken for the top half of my body.  But as my eyes skimmed my bottom half, I let out a scream.

"What the hershey bars is attached to my body?"  I exclaimed.  Everyone stopped talking at once, giving each other a glance.  Annoyed and wanting answers, I persisted my questioning.

"Well, don't just stand there!  Spit it out!" At the moment I couldn't care less that about my whiny tone.  I deserved answers.  Ok, I might have sounded bratty.  

Squid boy seemed to be the one nominated to try and talk to the fire breathing dragon-me.  He glared at Tyden and Celeste before clearing his throat and turning to face me.  Eyes wide with fear and caution, he started explaining.

"You have a tail.  You're a mermaid, Lei," he said.  It sounded like the time when Harry was told he was a wizard.  Except Harry accepted the fact easily than I did.

"A what?!  Oh I get it, you guys are playing a trick on me.  Nice try.  Now get me out of this," I said, even laughing a little.  They all glanced at each other again.

"No, Lei.  This is not a trick.  You are a mermaid.  It's what you are."  Squid boy replied, voice shaking.  Ok, so if this is not some trick, then I must still be dreaming.  

"I know what you are thinking Lei.  But you are not dreaming.  This is reality," Celeste said.  I sighed.

"Then would someone help me get this tail off?". I said.  Tyden and squid boy shook their heads.  Darn it.  Now I'm stuck with this tail forever.  So that means I can't go up in the surface?  

But as long as there is chocolate underwater, I can live.  And since I have a tail does that mean that I won't have periods anymore?  Well that is definitely a perk.

"Well then.  Someone has to explain this whole tail thing to me because I need to know what to expect."  I said reluctantly.  You know what they say; if you can't beat them, join them.

"Glad that you asked.  I guess I would have to go back to the very beginning.  It would be easier to tell you how you got your tail and the history of mermaids."  Tyden said.  I nodded.  Wait, the history of mermaids?

"Did our ancestor get it on with a fish?  And did your ancestors do it with an octopus?"  I blurted, suddenly feeling uneasy.  Everyone laughed.  Well I'm happy that some of us find this situation funny.

"No dumbass.  Seriously, what do you barbarian humans teach at school these days?  The history of mermaids and octopiens should be the first thing you learn.  Seriously, no wonder why humans are of the less intelligent race."  Squid boy insulted.  I huffed.

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