Chapter 22

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~Chapter 22~

Storm and I walked cautiously to the dark room.  I grabbed his hand and squeezed, sending a silent message to him that I always had his back.

“It’s gonna be ok,” he said, smiling at me.  I felt my own lips quirk up as well.  We proceeded to the figure sitting on a wooden chair, approaching slowly and bringing up our weapons to kill him..

“Well, well.  You guys finally found me.  Oh and what’s this?  Young love...about to be broken up.  This is the best story yet...” Richard slowly said.  The light suddenly turned on, illuminating the area.  Richard, with his eyes glowing a dark red, and blood pouring down his mouth as he bit into another green scaly thing noisily.  I turned my head away from him and buried it in Storm’s chest.  He patted my back reassuringly.  

Once the slurping and crunching noises faded, I lifted my head and ignored the immense amount of red splattered all over Richard.

“Now, let’s get this over with, shall we?”  Richard asked, snapping his fingers, making a 6 foot sword and chains appear beside him.

Without warning, Richard attacked Storm with the sword, but Storm was able to dodge in time. Richard, seeming to be expecting this, turned around and chained Storm’s hands together, preventing movement on his part.  My eyes widened and I went to retrieve an arrow from my quiver for my bow.  But my arms were not moving.  I tried swimming forward, but I couldn’t move any part of my body.

“Storm!”  I yelled as I saw his body being thrown around like a rag doll.  Then, Richard took his sword and began chopping Storm’s body parts.  I watched in mortification, wanting to close my eyes.  But it was if they were glued shut and I had to witness the scene.  Richard smiled and picked up Storm’s eye, walking towards my frozen body.  He raised the eye to his mouth, slowly biting onto it until blood spluttered out and onto my face.

My mouth wanted to open to scream, but it was jammed shut.  I tried to shut my eyes but it didn’t budge.  Tears formed and poured down my face as I watched helplessly, until Richard finished every last bit of Storm, licking his fingers afterwards.  I forced my mouth to open to let out a scream.



I jolted awake, still screaming Storm’s name from my nightmare.  I looked around me, seeing that I was in my room in the mermaid palace.  But, no matter the setting, I knew that Storm was gone-and that much was not a dream.  I swiped my hand across my forehead, feeling the sweat gathering and tears pooling in my eyes.

I flung the bed sheet off me and saw that my hand was clenched tightly on my dandelion necklace.  I slowly slung it on my neck, trying to contain the tears from my eyes.  I’m not about to feel satisfied knowing that the necklace was the only thing that I have of him.  I’m not about to take the crap that he is still here-inside my heart.  Because that is not true.  He is gone.  Forever.

I snuggled inside the covers for a little longer, not feeling up to socialize.  But later on, I knew that I couldn’t possibly always avoid everyone.  So I got out and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.  When I stared at my reflection in the mirror, raccoon eyes stared back.  My hair was all tangled and my skin was unnaturally pale.  I sighed and used my fingers to brush through the knots.

I slumped my way out of the door and into the hallway, where I was instantly run over by a small figure.  I refrained my fighting instincts and caught the figure before I could fall backwards.  

“Lei!  I’m so sorry.  I heard everything.”  The person said.  Then she started rapidly speaking, leaving me stunned and unable to process anything.  But I got a clear look at the person and smiled internally.

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