Chapter 3

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A/N: This chapter was supposed to be posted yesterday, but because of the glitch thing-y, I reposted it.  I know that my work is not perfect, but that's why I asked for constructive criticism.  Meaning something other then "WoW amazing!"  Please give me any recommendations on how to improve.  Thanks!


~Chapter 3~

“Uggghhhhh...Humphrey!”  I said in my whiny voice, “I can’t hit the bull's eye!  Es impossible!”  I lowered my arm and cast a tiring glance in his direction.


“It’s not impossible.  Watch the master.”  He replied before taking a larger bow and a quiver of arrows.  As he fired each arrow, he walked alongside the rows of targets in front of us.  Each arrow pierced the bulls eye on all of the targets.


Throwing my arms up in surrender, I turned to Humphrey.  “Ok, fine, you can hit the bulls eye for each target, but what about other targets?”  I said in a bored and almost nonchalant tone.  Key word being “almost”.  I scoffed to myself, showoff.


Walking to the table, I spotted a pink ribbon with lace bordering its sides.  I gave Humphrey a stern look and he blushed.  Although I didn’t want to think about why or how he obtained this feminine piece of item, it was the perfect target.  


Trying not to touch the cloth any more than I needed to -because Nutella forbids what Humphrey does with this on his free time- I tied the ends around a tree.  Pointing to it, I smirked and said,


“Try hitting the knot on the side of the tree,” I knew that was just impossible.  The knot was on the far end of the tree.  After a quick thought, I quickly added, “you are only allowed one try.  One arrow in the middle of the knot and you can torture me with all the lectures you want.  No arrow in the middle and we can resort to another weapon.”


He just chuckled and shook my outstretched hand.  “Deal.”


Smirking, I crossed my arms after carefully stringing the bow across my chest and intact on my back.  Humphrey stepped up to the tree and in his perfect stance, shot the arrow.  As if time was slowing down, I saw the arrow fly straight and struck the middle of the knot.


My smirk disappeared and I frowned.  Geez, why does he have to do everything perfectly?  Huffing, I ignored his smirking face and took arrows it from the table.  Getting in my stance, I fired an arrow and as it struck the outer ring, one step from the bulls eye.


Before I could release another arrow, Humphrey walked up to me and corrected my stance.  


“Be consistent with how you pull back the string.  If you pull it next to the corner of your mouth, keep it there.  Or if you pull it back under your chin, keep it there.  Don’t change it for aiming purposes.”  I nodded and loaded another arrow.  This time I pulled it back next to the corner of my mouth and released.


The arrow stuck the target near the edge of the bulls eye and made the beautiful sound of wood being struck.  I smiled and exhaled, releasing the breath I didn’t know I was holding.  I looked up at Humphrey to catch the thoughtful glance his face captured.


“Hmmm.  We need to work on your aiming now that your stance is flawless.  You’re getting there.  Now, to aim better, try-” Before he could finish his sentence, my phone rang.  


Cringing, I sent Humphrey an apologetic look.  When he nodded, I picked up, not bothering to check the caller identity, “Hello?”


“We need to talk,” I instantly recognized Richard’s irritating voice.  I didn’t reply and went to end the call before he spoke again.


“If I were you, I wouldn’t end the call right now.  Because then I could persuade your mother and tell her all the lies I want.  Further, I could torture your little sister.  Not to mention I can murder your family and frame you,” Richard chuckled before continuing, “It’s your choice my sweetheart Lei.  Meet you at midnight tonight near the front edge of the forest.”  I froze and still had the rectangular device against my ear even after he ended the conversation.


“Ms. Lei, is everything alright?”  Humphrey asked when he noticed my rigid posture.  I placed my phone back in my pocket.


I grabbed the bow and arrows on the table, shooting with an accuracy that I never knew I had until now.  With each draw, I pictured Richard’s face being punctured and bleeding, with each weapon in his eyes, nose, mouth, throat, and all around his face.


Finally to quench my anger, I took my last arrow and shot the knot on the tree, satisfied at the resounding plunk that filled my ear.


Before I could continue my violent fantasies towards imaginary Richard, Humphrey started pulling me away.  I kicked everywhere, struggling to get out of his grip.  But noticing his iron grasp under my arms, I stopped, suddenly feeling weak.


“Now, what happened?  Tell me everything,” Humphrey asked, still holding onto me as he dropped the sword, bow and empty quiver back on the table.  I took a few deep breaths before ranting on about everything that has happened.  He listened, only asking a few questions along the way.


But when I mentioned what happened yesterday with Richard’s eyes, voice and abnormal healing, Humphrey stiffened and quickly switched subjects.  I wanted to ask more upon the subject, but his look made me rethink and pause.


“Wait, I thought you loathed your mother and Celeste?”  Humphrey inquired.


“Yes, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t care for them at least a little.  They are family.  And even after they changed, I have always forgiven them.  Ok, maybe not the devil because she took Richard’s words over mine.  Still, they deserve to be cared for,” I responded with a shrug.


Humphrey nodded before plastering a serious expression on his face, “Let’s get to work.”  I nodded and stood up.  Brushing the dirt off my pants, I took another quiver of arrows and began shooting.


It was only 3:00 PM, so we had more time to perfect on my archery skills and even had some time to start on dagger throwing.

After confessing my issues to someone I trust, I had a clearer mind set on what to do for the time being.  I knew that once I was done with my lesson, I would be prepared for whatever Richard threw in my face.  Only he would have to prepared for the damage I was bound to do to his face.


A/N: Sorry this chapter is short.  On Word, this was much longer and the chapter was how I wanted it to end, so I don't want to change it and make it longer.  Anyway, remember to vote, comment and share! 

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