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People say there is light at the end of the tunnel but I can't see it. Once in a while there's a glimpse of the light in the distance but then it disappears. Other Times the light lasts a while but then suddenly jumps to pitch black. I stand there wondering where the light went. People say I'm being dramatic but they clearly don't understand. Someone once told me I need to start trying because it wouldn't just disappear. What the hell do you think I've been doing. My whole life I've pretty much covered my emotions with a mask. People always told me to remove the mask. Once I take the mask away they were unable to handle it, but at this point I couldn't put the mask back on. Once in a while the mask appears again but I shouldn't be judged for something I have. People are just scared of reality. Reality is a scary place because of the way people made it. Someone getting murdered shouldn't be a regular thing. Is this what the world come to? The world is losing all emotion. Guys are too scared to show emotion for the fear being judged. Once a person brings up reality they call the person emo. Emo-Person who wants to kill themselves because of emotional issues. People assume once a person is sad they are suicidal. There are few people who get me these days. Wish there were more. Things are expected of me in society for people to like me. People change themselves to be excepted by society. People are changing, losing their identity to be appreciated. Normal to me is an insult. Normal is the average. I don't want to be average. Average is a thing I strive to void. Apparently people strive to be average. What's the point of being average. We are all different and we are made different.We shouldn't be in the way to where everyone acts the same. People need to understand that one sentence can have a huge affect on someone bad or good. Also I complement people a lot. People seem surprised when I complement them because I'm a complete stranger. I wish this was a normal thing to where it wouldn't be a surprise to people. But this world has so much hate the compliment can't generate, can't create light in at the end of the tunnel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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