Chapter 2: White goddess

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Her parents are dead. Sickness is spreading. And the dead are walking.

I wonder how fast it'll spread, she thought.


Four days have passed since Victoria found out that her parent's flight made an unexpected crash landing and that sickness was spreading fast, the young girl still had no idea where her brother, Justice, was or if he was ok, however, that was the least of her worries at this point in time.

The girl sat huddled up listening to the thuds of something against the living room window along with loud groans which followed shortly after every thud.

Maybe it's a drunk man who's lost his way home?  She tried to assure herself but only grew more worried when the thuds became louder and louder. He's going to break the window if he keeps this up... she thought to herself.

And she was right.

One last thud shattered the window. Victoria jumped from her spot on the couch as the drunk man fell through the window, well, she thought it was a drunk man. That is until he rose his head. His jaw was hanging and his eyes were grey with blood-stained teeth and discoloured skin. This wasn't a man. This wasn't even human anymore.

Victoria grabbed her dog, Cooper, and sprinted out of the house without any second thought. The young girl's legs were running at a speed she never thought she had, she really wasn't an athletic person, or so her gym teacher told her.

The farther she ran the more walking bodies she encountered. Many tried to grasp her but she slipped away on time. The young girl soon came to a stop finding herself at a dead end.


She breathed heavily as she turned around in an attempt to run again, until two of the walking bodies staggered around the corner groaning and reaching for her.

"Double fucking shit..."

She stumbled backwards hitting the floor holding Cooper, her dog.
The walking bodies came closer and closer causing her to let out a loud scream, scrunching her eyes.

Suddenly, she heard a loud smack and a slash. The girl hesitantly opened her eyes and was shocked to be face to face with, a girl, no. A goddess? The girl was gorgeous. She had white hair, red eyes and wore black combat boots complimented by black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket with a white top underneath and black sunglasses which rested on her head. She had a piercing gaze which glared into Victoria's soul, and god did those piercings on her lip and nose make her gaze even sexier-

"You just going to lay on the floor or are you going to get up and actually get out of here. Come on."

Victoria took her hand and the girl pulled her up. "What's your name?"
"Huh-uh-" Victoria stuttered, "Alright huh uh, let's get going," The other girl said. "No! Uh- my names Victoria, Victoria Fall, " Victoria finally managed to speak out. "Well, Victoria, let's get going before any more zombies come." The girl spat out. "Right- zombies?" Victoria asked, "Yes zombies. That's the name we gave them." The girl replied, "oh! Makes sense. Wait. We?" Victoria jumped beside the girl and walked with her. "God, you're full of questions. Yes, we. There are 4 others." Victoria lifted her eyebrows and puckered her lips in an understanding manner, "So... Uh... What's your name?" Victoria tilted her head staring at the girl. "Dakota, Dakota Cross." Victoria nodded a reply as the two girls walked in a somewhat comfortable yet awkward silence.

What felt like an eternity of walking, the two girls came to a stop by a bordered up building. "This is it?" Victoria asked only to be met by an eye roll from Dakota. "Yes, this is it." Dakota pulled Victoria to the side and pushed open a heavy metal door allowing them both entry. "Woah! This place is huge!" Victoria twirled around in what appeared to be a lobby of a very fancy hotel. "Yo Justice!" Dakota called out causing Victoria to freeze and face Dakota, "Justice?" A tall boy walked out only to be met by his sisters eyes, "Victoria?"

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