King of Thimbles

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I had to write this and the following two stories for a contest that ends today on my other writing website,  so I thought I would share with you all on here as well. They had to be only 500 words or less, which is DEFINITELY a challenge to me at this point of my writing , haha, but it was fun for sure .

How many needles can fit in a human body?

If you had asked me yesterday, I wouldn't have said more than a hundred K, but really it's all about how tightly you pack them.

Each eye can hold over a hundred as long as you don't pop the membrane.

The tongue has space for over a thousand.

Each hand can hold two-thousand, ten under each fingernail and another fifty heated and pushed through the nail itself.

I didn't think he'd be able to scream any more by that point, but he surprised me when I had to roll him over.

Turns out you can fit a hundred k in front and a hundred k in the back.

I'm sure he thought I was done at that point, but silly me went overboard and purchased 250,000.

Waste not, want not.

Besides, there's always more space inside.

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