Chapter 14- Nothing But A Dickhead

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Ryder's P.O.V

Seeing Tiffany in that terrible state only made me weaker.

I had to use all of my strength not to break down in front of her.

If I did who would have been there to comfort her?

This was all my fault.

How could I have been so bloody stupid to not see this coming?

All they do is ruin my life all because of some fucking debt my father owed them.

I don't even know if that's the truth!

But I wasn't going to let them hurt the people that I love and that includes Tiffany.

"Ry thank you so much for saving me," Tiffany said snapping me out of my already fucked up mind.

"Tiff this was all my fault, if I hadn't gotten you involve in this in the first place then you wouldn't have been in this messed up situation so I see no reason why you should be thanking me," I said.

"Are you seriously doing this right now?" She asked sounding annoyed.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"Taking all of the blame," She said.

"Who else should take the blame then Tiff? You tell me," I said running a hand through my hair.

"Well it's not entirely your fault," She said unbelievably.

"It is, stop trying to make me feel better about myself," I said harsher than I intended to. "Can we not have a fight at this moment please?"

"As you wish Sir," She said while saluting.

I laughed at that and I could see that it made her smile.

"Is Mr.Grinch actually laughing? Am I really seeing right?" She said while rubbing her eyes.

I laughed even harder.

"I'm not that bad you know," I said finally being able to control myself.

"I know," She said smirking. "But the facts still remain that you're a dickhead."

"I totally agree with that," I said smiling.


Whoop-a-doodle-doo....(I don't know where that came from)

Ryder: Obviously from that nonsensical brain of your.

Author: Jerk! I will make you die a painful death in the next chapter *muhahahaha*.

Ryder: Female you wouldn't have had this story without me.

Author whispers to readers: I'm going to kill this egoistical dickhead.

Readers: We think you should.

Author: Thank you so much for your kind cooperation....Muahhh Muahhh Muahhh...*throws roses and chocolates at you*

Author back to Ryder: You're so full of yourself. I could replace you with someone so much better than you.

Ryder: Keep telling yourself that female.

Tiffany: This story is about me and not you Mister.

Author disappears and never return back!

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