Chapter 2- The Family

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So here we go people😄

Chapter Two is finally out🤗


Tiffany's P.O.V

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I was awaken by this darn stupid loud alarm clock.

Come on can't a girl get some sleep around here! If it ain't Jay who wakes me up by some stupid prank then it's this stupid alarm clock.

Sucks to be me right?

I took the pillow which I was comfortably lying on and hid my face beneath it.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I curse the day alarm clocks were invented.

Finally deciding that this wasn't helping in anyway I finally got up and took the alarm off.

"Good Morning World," I muttered to myself as I began to stretch.

I headed straight to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

As I finished taking a shower and brushing my teeth I walked straight into my walk in closet to pick an outfit for the day.

I simply went with a red and white jersey and a black leggings with two chains (Pic below👇👇).

Despite being the daughter of a billionaire I like to keep things simple.

Despite being the daughter of a billionaire I like to keep things simple

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I then walked to my dresser to apply my makeup.

I took a really good look at myself in the mirror: I have thick define eyebrows with hazel eyes and dark brown shoulder length hair that had just the right amount of curls I needed.

I just applied some lip gloss and mascara and just decided to leave my hair down in it's natural length and headed right for the door.


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