Chapter 17- Meet The Family

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Tiffany's P.O.V

Seeing Ryder so happy with his family melted my heart.

Who knew the bad boy actually had real feelings?

I guess he isn't so bad after all.

I left Ryder's room and headed to Ash room to help her with her packing.

I knocked on the door in which she told me to enter.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to be living by you," Ash said squealing. "I'm so excited."

"Calm down lil ma," I said laughing. "I'm way more excited than you are."

"Of course......." She said trailing off. "NOT"

"Okay I give up," I said surrendering.

I walked over to her wardrobe where I helped clear some of her stuffs out.

"What did Ry tell you?" She asked all of a sudden.

She kinda caught me off guard.

"He just wanted to thank me that's all," I said shrugging.

"Are you sure," She asked quizzical.

"I'm sure," I said smiling so that she can stop asking me these questions. "Why do you ask tho?"

"If he only wanted to thank you he could have done it right in front of me. I don't see the need of sending me away," She said while placing some of her clothes in her suitcase. "I think he likes you Tiff."

Now that caught me off guard.

"What?" I asked slightly surprised. "I don't think so Ash."

She did have a point tho, why would he send her away just to thank me?

Ash is getting in my head.

"Tiff I'm his twin sister and I know when my brother likes someone," She said winking at me.

"Okay now you're getting to my head," I said jamming her shoulder.

We both laughed and finished up with her packing.

We headed downstairs where we saw Ryder, his mom and his little sister waiting on our arrival.

"Took you guys long enough," Ryder said rolling his eyes.

"Oh please," I said smirking.

"Okay so does everyone have everything that they need?" Mrs. Ryder asked.

"Yes," Ash, Ry and Elle all answered in unison.

"Well let's go then," She said smiling.


Ryder's P.O.V

It was a hour drive from where we live to Tiffany's home.

When we pulled up to Tiffany's house I couldn't believe my eyes.

The house, well more like the mansion was beautiful.

I was awestruck and from the expression of mom and Elle I realized I wasn't the only one.

"Gorgeous right?" Ash asked breaking me out of my trance.

"It's wonderful," Mom said trying to hold back her tears. "I can't believe we're going to be staying here."

Tiff smiled warmly at her and said, "Mi casa es tu casa," while placing a kiss on her cheeks.

Mom hugged her and whispered a quick thank you while placing a kiss on her forehead.

The cuteness was killing me.

I pulled up in front of Tiffany's home where I saw a bunch of people standing by the entrance of the door as if they were waiting on our arrival.

Tiffany immediately jumped out of the car and rushed to the people whom I guess is her family and hugged each and every one of them.

She then look at the car and motioned us to come.

We all jumped out of the car and headed to where Tiffany was standing with her family.

"Guys I would like you to meet Ashton, Elle, Mrs. Ryder and well of course the one and only Ashley," She said introducing us. "They will be staying with us until further notice."

They all came and greeted us as if we were family.

"Guys this is my mother and father Mr. & Mrs. Carter, my brothers Jayden and Trey and this is my only sister Ella," She said pointing to each of them. "And also this is our very own trusted maid Jackie."

We all smiled and waved at them.

Mr.Carter led the way and we all followed.

He instructed his bodyguards to help get our suitcases and carry it upstairs.

He carried us to the living room where he better introduced himself properly.

"I would like you to feel at home," He said smiling warmly at us. "Any friend of my children is a friend of  the Carter's family. You can all go to your various rooms and get settled down. We will be having dinner at 8 but if you can't make it for tonight it's okay. I can have the maids bring the food up to your rooms. I will also have Tiffany gave you a tour of the house tomorrow."

"Uhm Tiffany can you show them to their rooms and when you're finished I would like to see you in my office please," He said kissing her on her forehead.

"Okay Dad," She said smiling.

"Okay guys let's go," She said getting up from the sofa.

She led the way and we all followed.

She led mom and Elle to their room first, then Ash and then me.

She showed me my room and asked if there was anything else I need.

When I told her everything was perfect, she smiled and left the room.

My room is huge and is painted in black and white. It contains a television, a small refrigerator, a walk in closet, a desktop computer, a king size bed, some couches and a bathroom. There is also a veranda provided outside of my room which also have some sofas where you can sit. The bed covers colours is also black and white while the couches were strickly black. The refrigerator was white while the carpets were black and white.

I think I'm going to love it here!


Finally an update.

Sorry I've been busy guys.

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Love Fefe

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