3. Ambrose

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Hate was a strong word but right now I was feeling it so well with these 3 grown ass men in my house, well not so much Elijah since he really doesn't say anything but Between Shaun eating all my damn food and Hakeem stead questioning my every move. I have become a super bitch and it's effecting my school life, they been here a week and seem to piss me off to the last nerve. sitting in my room I was slowly planning three murder when my phone rung I looked around realized I left it in the living room. Rolling off my bed I ran towards the living sliding to pick my phone up only to see Hakeem with my phone in my hand, I quickly snatched it seeing Sunni calling me. I quickly answered the phone, irritated as fuck.

Ambrose: what!!!

I hear noise in the background then he speaks.

Sunni: bitch get popped now I know jackasses are pissing you off now but get dress and meet me outside in an hour. And bitch I mean an hour

He hung up as I rolled my eyes at him, playing my phone in my back pocket. I turn to look at my brother who was standing extra close for my liking.

Ambrose: why you so close?

I pushed him back but he grabbed my wrist bring me closer to him, I could feel his warm breathe touch my skin.

Hakeem: who was that on the phone Rain?

All of a sudden I snapped out of trance and snatched my wrist from him glaring at him.

Ambrose: no of your business bye

I walked back to my room and slammed the door loud, tossing myself on the bed I looked at the ceiling seeing my hair has gotten to long. Getting up I walked to my bathroom grabbing the blade and started to chop off most of my damn hair, once I was done I was shocked that I cut my lovely hair off. I spent 3 years growing it and here I was looking at it in the sink. Sighing I move to the shower hopping in and washing my body and hair, sliding out I wrapped a towel around my body and moved to the mirror blow drying and flat ironing my hair and placing on makeup. Moving to my room I go to my closet finding clothes because knowing this hoe we gone to turn up and act a fool. Finding the perfect outfit I found it tossing on a black thong then the rest of my outfit

 Finding my ankle combat boots I slipped them on along with my sliver choker and wrist watch, grabbing my perfume I sprayed some before snatching my phone and climbing out the window

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Finding my ankle combat boots I slipped them on along with my sliver choker and wrist watch, grabbing my perfume I sprayed some before snatching my phone and climbing out the window. Making on the metal ladder I climbed down and jump landing next to Sunni who smiling in a skin tight dress. As soon as he saw my hair he went crazy.

Sunni: omg look at your hair babe, you cut it

I nodded and ran my hands thru it, as he did as well.

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