5. Hakeem

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Sitting in my father's office with the guys and Uncle Nero and Jin, my father was walking back and forth trying to calm his nerves. I didn't want to say anything to make him explode, but then everything pissed him off lately. Finally he stop pacing and slammed his hands on the desk causing us to be on alert.

Father: I did everything he asked from me in this marriage even went to the ends of the earth and found our middle son, and now he still wants me to sleep on the couch

Shaun: Uncle it might of been you hit Rain as soon as he walks in the door

Uncle Nero: brother you didn't give Rain any second glances once Hakeem came

  My father looked taken back but still listen to my uncle's give there opinion about the matter.

Uncle Jin: when Hakeem came you seem to forget you had another son that needed your love and attention, so him leaving and not coming back is not a surprise brother. I'm surprised wife hasn't killed you for hitting him the way you did. Ambrose has always been girly he was never cut out for mafia life and when you forced him to try out he got really hurt, Ja'Kota sat with him in the hospitals for months until he got better. Hell even we went but not once did you act like a father and go see your son you acted like a mob boss, your wife hates you, your oldest daughter hates you she hasn't spoken to you since her brother left she held the biggest secret of her life which was her brothers location. Thank god your baby girl doesn't know what happened. But Ambrose there's no dought every bone in his body hates you and no one in this room doesn't blame him.

Uncle Nero: to be honest I'm very proud but disappointed in him, something happened to him that he keep a deep secret about and I want to see how far before he reveals it. After its revel everyone will know the truth behind his sad eyes

         Everyone was trying to figure out if unk was high or drunk.

Elijah: Unk how do you know all this?

    He looked around the room and smirked showing us his teeth, he knew something we all didn't know and wasn't gone tell us.

Uncle Nero: one thing I can say about Rain was he loved his hair and boom his hair was gone and he wouldn't let anyone touch him. Something happened or someone hurt him real bad that's why I plan there birthday party this year, inviting everyone from our past to see how he reacts. Then I'll kill them

   Okay everyone in the room looked at him as he smiled evilly at the wall.

Uncle Jin: yeah you gotta stop hanging with my wife, speaking of them anybody heard from our wives?

   Shaun jumped up and down waving his hand like a crazy person, rolling my eyes I told him to go ahead and speak.

Shaun: They went to the spa Aunt Kota was upset, so he called up the girls and they went to the spa

   He said extra happy first surprised he not talking about food, my father stared at him upside his head. And turn to look at me.

Father: Did you placed the tracking device on him?

Hakeem: yes father, also I don't think he would leave Daisy and Jasmine after he promised to stay

Elijah: yeah I second that he doesn't want to disappoint them, but I have to say it's his last year of high school we shouldn't keep him from his studies. He's an A honor roll student all the top school have request him to come to there school, but he hasn't chosen one yet.

Shaun: he's on a very weird diet, it's eats probably twice a day and came home everyday with a lot of gifts

         I sat back as my father looked at me.

Father: lay it on me son

  I nodded and looked my father dead in the eyes.

Hakeem: he's favorite color black, he likes to dress in women clothes, he has 4 friends they always talk about 3 others, he has body art and I'm pretty sure he had a couple of piercings. He also had an apartment but didn't have a job

He sat there taking everything in I told him but for some reason I wanted my brother in more than a brotherly way. Someone hit me I looked up to see Shaun tossing his head towards my father.

Hakeem: yes sir???

He raised an eyebrow at me but shock it off talking to me.

Father: make sure your brother doesn't leave this property for anything, get him to talk to your mother I can't stand to see him cry

I nodded my head as I stood up walking out the office with my best friends following me out the door, as Shaun closed the door I let out the deepest sigh ever in history.

Elijah: stop it could be worse, so we're making sure he doesn't leave but let's be honest at least weren't on shit duty anymore

Thinking about it he was right, soon we heard a thump go upstairs drawing our guns we quickly ran seeing it was coming the bathroom. Kicking in the door there laid my naked little brother on the floor laughing with his hands over his face as something on his phone played. As soon as he realized we're in the bathroom with him he screamed trying to cover himself up, I pushed my friends out slamming the door quickly grabbing a towel and rushing towards him. He looked shocked as I picked him up checking him over, I grabbed his chin seeing a bruise form so I rubbed it soft. When our eyes connected.

Hakeem: so beautiful Kitten

Lowering my hand to his neck I wrapped my fingers pulling him close before I could feel his lips on mine, the door busted open and the revealing of Shaun and Elijah smirking at us. Ambrose snapped out his trance holding the towel around him before bending over to collect his phone and rush pass us. Watching him run I adjust myself licking my lips as they still smirked at me.

Shaun: guess we know why you wanted us to get out the bathroom?

Smirking I busted out laughing as we made our way down the hallway to take care some business.

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