4. Ambrose

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  They stared at me as I glared at them, Hakeem took a knee in front of me and took off the duck tape.

Hakeem: good to see your woke are you hungry?

    I rolled my eyes and looked down at the handcuffs, he finally caught on and stood back up.

Hakeem: I can't let you go, our father gave us orders to bring you anyway possible

Ambrose: your father not mine

Elijah: Rain, please don't make anything worse

   I laughed and sat back smiling like a psychopath at them.

Ambrose: you did the moment you took me from Bangkok, and my name is Ambrose there was never any Rain here

   Hakeem growled getting in my face and I flinched he still scared me to this day, he face change then went back to being an asshole.

Hakeem: stop the bullshit, your going home and that's final you get to see family

     I said nothing which all of them could see, I started to hum my favorite song because I was five seconds from murdering everyone. Giving up I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me. Soon I woke up from hitting my head against something only to see I was in some type of limo, I didn't have on handcuffs or anything but I notice I was in these horrible ass clothes from god awful country.

Elijah: good your woke I had one of the ladies on the jet change you, but I watched over want to explain the scars on your back they look really old Rain

I grind my teeth together irritate with him already, guess he saw I wasn't gone and change subject.

Elijah: your brother went ahead to warn your family of your arrival, please be kind your mother really miss you?

I snorted not really caring for him anymore along with my father who I knew wouldn't care for me either. Looking around I saw my favorite purse in the seat next to me smiling picking it up seeing all my things I would need in there. Soon we pulled up t he house that I grew up in and worse nightmares. Pulling right up to the stairs I sighed as he moved over opening the door stepping out, counting to 20 backwards as I slide out grabbing my purse as he was grabbing something from the truck there was 2 big suitcase I recognize from my house. Meaning they had this shit planned for awhile.

Elijah: come on I bet everyone is waiting on you

Following him up the stairs I wanted to turn around and leave, this place was like a personal prison and I wasn't for it. He pushed the door open stepping first and pulling me with him as we closed the door, steps can be heard made of our and soon family came into the Threshold. They all took in how I looked probably shocked I wasn't a fat sloppy built, anyone could down talk anymore. That's when my mother squeals running towards me I quickly side step him remembering how he would let father, Hakeem, and others talk to me the way they did. He frown but then again tired to pull me in I pushed his hands down but didn't see my father come up with a hard slap across the face. Rubbing my jaw I spit blood out on his shoes not caring for he at all.

Ambrose: want to hit me some more Kanji?

    Everyone in the room was now tense me not caring much because I knew something that he's keeping from the family, but that will all be revealed soon.

Father: I should

   But before he could get anything out Jasmine slide around the corner and pushed everyone out the way tackling me to the floor. Damn shame my father can't get me to the ground but my younger sister could. Sitting up we both giggled pulling each other into a hug.

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