6. Ambrose

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Busting into my room with my cellphone in my hand and towel in the other, I took a deep breathe making sure not to wake my younger siblings. Moving around my room I went into my walk in closet picking out a big hoodie and shorts to wear around tomorrow. Climbing in my bed I cuddle close to my pillow dreaming of my brother Domnaiting me in every-way possible, sitting up I let out a squeal causing Daisy to shoot up beside me.

Daisy: Big brother are you okay?

I looked around my room checking for any danger before settling my eyes on her.

Ambrose: yes love, why are you not at school, it's Thursday last time I remember?

she looked down and back up at me wrapping herself around me.

Daisy: I just wanted to make sure, you wouldn't leave if i went to school

Now I felt sad that she thought I would up and leave, not saying I wouldn't but jackass got a tracker on me. And if my father teach him the game like i thought he did I wasn't gonna get far with this on my arm.

Ambrose: plus you promise to be my date for my birthday now, how about we go get some breakfast and enjoy a day in the backyard?

cheering she got out the bed as I followed moving to get some socks and walking out the door, taking step by step we finally make it to the main floor. I walked beside her as she skipped beside me to catch up, before we could make it to the kitchen our names were called and I rolled my eyes as my baby sister pulled out into the patio were everyone gone was. SItting at the table was My mom, Dad, brother his friends, Uncle Nero,Jin, and Silas along with their wives Aunt Lily, Nicky, and Uncle Zion Silas husband/wife whatever you want to call it and last that son of a bitch that rapped me. Daisy pulled us to sit down in front of him I tired to keep a straight face but it was breaking slowly, and I could Uncle Nero eyes on me I knew he was trying to read me. God they better get here quickly or a murder was gonna happen.

Mother: how did you sleep?

I knew he was talking to me but Daisy answered him happily as ever.

Daisy: mommy we sleep so good, can i please sleep in Rose room again?

I didn't see anything on the table I liked so I grabbed an orange, pilling it as Daisy stole half of it. Stuffing it in her chubby cheeks as I kissed her head as she giggled into my chest we forgot everyone was watching us including the jackass.

Ambrose: you can sleep in my room along as you go back to school?

Daisy: as long as your taking me to school?

Damn con artist but I couldn't say no to her so I shook yes as they all watched us interact.

Aunt Nicky: So how has life been Ambrose?

I looked up thru my lashes at everyone mine as well get these conversation over with now, so I adjusted Daisy in my lap getting myself ready.

Ambrose: well I been doing good in school A honor a roll, thinking about going to Bangkok University since i can double major in music and science. I working out keeping my life great, made many good friends traveled all over the world.

I covered Daisy ears as I smirked saying my next part.

Ambrose: oh yeah i'm a growing boy so I been having plenty of sex and food

Let me tell you everyone's face turn into horror as jackass smirked and Daisy looked lost to what was happening, all I could do was smirk grabbing another orange and pill it. I was laughing on the inside knowing they're weren't gone ask me anything else for the rest of the day. Stuffing one in my mouth when I saw a butler come stand by me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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