Day 2

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(2nd person pov)

"(y/n), are you alright? What happened? I heard screaming!" Vladmir was standing at your bed side, worried.

"Y-you were... You... I had a nightmare." You said.

"Oh, I thought you might have gotten hurt somehow. I'm glad you are alright." You looked over at the clock. 4:30! Goodness, you had slept late.

"(y/n), you should probably get on your clothes. I'm expecting someone for dinner, and I would like some help."

"Sure. Who's coming?"

"My brother."

He left to give you privacy. Your clothes were dry now, he must have washed them while,you were sleeping. He's so kind, you thought.

Once you were ready, you went down stairs. His house was more magnificent in daylight! Afternoon light streaming through the large windows, grand staircases, and dark wood flooring. You might have gotten lost, if he hadn't appeared behind you and scared you. Laughing at your expression, he led you to the kitchen. He has such a nice laugh too, you thought.

"So, tell me about your brother." You said, trying to start up conversation.

"Oh, sure. Well, he's younger than me. He and I hunt sometimes. I guess you'll see what he looks like when he gets here."

"I supose."

"Tell me about yourself, (y/n)."

You told him about your family, why you were traveling. Soon it was 5:45, and you had made a loaf of bread, soup and some pasta. You cut your self while slicing the bread, but I didn't bother you. Soon you heard a knock on the door.

"Oh, he's here now. Just wait here a bit. I'm going to have a talk with him." Said Vlad. After that, he brought him in.

"(y/n), this is my little brother Aurel. Aurel, this is (y/n).

"Hello, Aurel! Nice to meet you." He had dark hair, a patched up coat that was a bit too big and a little bowler hat, not unlike Vlad's. He also had crimson and amber eyes. He was shorter than Vlad, as expected, and a cute smile.

"He-hello. You smell nice. I mean I- uh... Hello." He looked to around, embarrassed. Vlad glared a bit at him.

"Em.. Thank you..." You replied. You hadn't put perfume on...

"Yes, now that we've introduced everyone, why don't we sit down and have dinner." Vlad said, breaking an akward silence. He brought out the food, and y'all began eating.

"(y/n) is a very good cook." Aurel said.

"Oh, thank you. Hey, could you tell me where your from? You have an accent I can't really place..."

"Oh, we're from Romania, but my brother used to live in Moldova. We lived in Transylvania. We moved here after... Incidents... I'd rather not..." Vlad said.

"That's alright. Aurel, where were you? Vlad mentioned you like to hunt."

"Oh er... Yeah, I was hunting in the forest. I spent a few days there, but something was walking through it and I decided to come back here." Aurel replied.

"I think I may have seen that thing! It hid in the bushed and had glowing scarlet eyes!" You said.

"When I saw it, it didn't have red eyes. I couldn't see them, it was too dark. But I think it saw me and ran away, thank goodness." Hmm... Odd.

"Ehem... That was a nice meal. Thank you for helping me, (y/n). And er... I never showed you around, did I? I could-" a crack of thunder shattered the peace. You shrieked in surprise and clung to Vlad, and let go as it was a bit weird.

"I'm not afraid or anything..."

"Haha, alright. It storms ofter around here, like last night for instance."

"Sure, I'll come with you. I almost got a bit lost earlier anyway."

"Ok, yeah." You followed him into a halway, and to a set of double doors.

"Do you like books?" Vlad asked.

"Yes, I love to read! Why you ask?"

"Because-" he smiled, and pushed open the doors to a massive library. "This is amazing! So many... How many have you read?"

"I like the ones about magic, mythical creatures. I usually come in here at night, and read until morning."

"Do you think you could tell me about what it was like in Romania? It sounds cool, vampires and stuff, right?"

"Um... Sure. Well, there aren't that many vampires any more." You chuckled, thinking it a joke. "My parents... They died... The village accused them of being vampires..." His ruby eyes started to get a bit teary.

"Well, that's absurd! Vampires don't exist! I can't believe them for doing that!" You put your arm around him, comfortingly.

"Orphaning children over silly scarey stories..." It thundered again, making you jump. He laughed at your fear. You noticed something odd. His canine teeth... They were longer than normal. Maybe...

"Erm... Your teeth... Why are they like that?"

"Oh, these... Em... It's a genetic thing... " He changed the subject and started to talk about book and stuff. Suddenly, the doors burst open and a woman with long light brown hair and a colorful dress stormed in.

"Vladmir! You had better not have!" She said with an accent. You noticed she had a frying pan with her.

"No, I haven't." under his breath he added, "not now..." What are you doing here anyway? I'll need to talk with Aurel as why he let you in here."

"I came to ask for a bit of money, but then I saw luggage items near the door and came to investigate. Good thing I did." The woman replied.

"Hmph... Can I talk to you in private, Elisabetta?" Vlad took her into the hallway, where you heard whispering, sudden yells, a couple bangs and then a door slamming. Before she left, which is why you guessed the door slammed, she yelled, "Filthy night beast!" Vlad joined you again.

"Ugh..." He rubbed his head, where "Elisabetta" must have hit him with her pan.

"Are you alright? Who was she?" you asked.

"That was Elisabetta. We... We are not very good friends. Sometimes she'll ask for money, and I'll give her some. Others I'll ask her, and she won't give me any. She's mean... We used to be friends. That didn't last..."

"Night beast? What did she mean?"

"She... I.. I have insomnia. Listen... It's getting late. You should probably go to sleep."

"Oh... Sure. Good night."

"Sweet dreams, dragostea."

Glowing Eyes (a Vampire!Romania x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now