Day 2, Night

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AN: I may have made Moldova seem a right bit older than he is in canon... But it's for the sake of the story. And I'm really sorry about the wait. I had a few problems with updating. But, here it is! Hope you're happy! ^j

You fell asleep, and started to dream of a dark room, the glowing red orbs that were eyes, and a wolf waiting to maul you. You woke up, frightened from it. The soft moonlight was flowing through the large windows, on to the dark red carpet. You started to think of home, you had seemed to forget all about it. You wondered about your family, where they thought you were. Vlad had said he'd get your car to a mechanic somewhere, but he seemed to have forgotten. This was making you homesick, and you decided to go to the library.

Unaware of the figure in the darkness, who was waiting. Vlad told him not to, but he could smell the blood from where you cut yourself. But he missed his opportunity.

You walked down the stairs in darkness. The figure followed you, shrouded in a dark coat. You didn't notice it, so quiet it was. You came to the double doors of the library, and pushed them open.

3rd POV

Vlad sat at a table, a glass of possibly red wine to his side.

"(y/n)?! What are you doing awake? I thought you went to bed! I..." He seemed so surprised. 'What was he doing awake? It was 2:30!' You thought.

"V-Vladmir? Why are you awake? I just came here to read a bit, I got homesick."

"I have erm... Insomnia. But you shouldn't..." Vlad said. 'Why couldn't she have just stayed there?' He thought.

"(y/n), you should go back to bed. It's safer."

"Safer? From what" you asked him.

"(y/n), you wouldn't understand... Go... Go before I..." He said.

"I-I don't understand what you're talking about... Are you alright?" He started walking towards you, red eyes glowing in the moonlight.

"No! Stay back!" He growled at you. Then he listened, and turned away. "Aurel, he is... You really should go back, (y/n)! Please..."

"No. Just tell me, tell me what's wrong!" You pleaded. He turned back to face you."I had gotten these tablets from some school... And Aurel wouldn't even take them... He said it wasn't natural. They had started to work, but then you! Your car stopped! Your smell was so powerful, I hadn't for months... And now..."

'Smell? Tablets? What is up with him?' You thought. "Vlad, clearly you aren't all right. Come on, I-" he was looking at you a serious face, with shining red orbs, filled with a hunger you hadn't seen before. He started towards you. "In months... I haven't had a drop, while Aurel hunts, almost every week. He gets it fresh... And I've tried to control it around you, but..."-He took a deep breath through his nose- "your blood smells so sweet..." "You're a v-vampire!" You exclaimed. He bared his fangs, his eyes glowing in the darkness with hunger. "Yes, that's what I am. And I am starving." He lunged at you, but you doged him, and he released a frustrated growl. "V-Vladmir, stop, please! I'm sure you can kill a few animals or something!" You pleaded. "No! I need human blood in me!" He said back. Then, you were pushed to the ground from behind, not by Vlad. You felt the breath on your neck. "Aurel, what are you doing? She's mine!" Vlad said to Aurel, who had tackled you. "But brother, I am hungry as well, and she was out of the protected room. Fair game, I'd say." "I haven't had any for weeks! I get it!" Vlad said and grabed Aurel off your back and flung him to the side, knocking him out. "I'm sorry, to both of you." He said and he pulled you up against him. You struggled, but it was useless-he had an iron grip as he held you" You could feel his tounge on your neck, searching for a tender spot to bite. And he bit you, sharp fangs sliding into your skin, yielding blood, and he drank. You could feel you life leaving you. You felt weak, the room growing blurry. You heard the doors slam open once again. A female voice rang out, scolding Vladmir and Aurel with words I am unable to write. The figure came over to you and picked you up, but only after you heard multiple bangs of a frying pan on their heads. You blacked out from blood loss.

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